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Michal Martak – Devil Jee Juh Contest


Michal Martak – Devil Jee Juh Contest

Verse 1 :

Yeah one day i am gonna leave and live in peace and harmony me and me will be finally a family, fuck the agony, Imma fly to the sky where only my own rules apply, Imma crucify the hate, turn the night to day and pave the way for love , reach the clouds above, talk to the wind , capable of anything,
Imma tease the sun, and reach the moon, stronger than ever Imma meet the devil, and tell him who came to be all he can be, so he better move
No chance to lose , i promise you, all I need you to do please is not to cut my wings ,dont fight the light cause it can die through night

Chorus :

They dont have a chance to lock me down , to lock you down, to lock us down , we gonna stay here forever
They will try to froze my heart, and froze your heart, and tear us apart, but we gonna fight till we die together

Verse 2 :

Tell me what you want to do and what you want to see, and want to achieve, is it just a part of the crowd, or you wanna scream out loud, take me as I am take me here i stand
No boundaries no limits all feelings expressed to the most realest degree cause there is nature in me a beast that sleeps and waits to be unleashed , so bring on the monsters bring on the evil beings I will feel myself till they stop breathing, till I win this game of life,and feed my apetite, sanitate all those screwed up parasites , than look up and from than never ever down, remove the rewind button from my playlist so play this until you will find your greatness

Chorus :

They dont have a chance to lock me down , to lock you down, to lock us down , we gonna stay here forever
Yeah They will try to froze my heart, and froze your heart, and tear us apart, but we gonna fight till we die together

Verse 3 :
You know what i am gonna tell them that there is a way to heaven , you need the faith to be a rebel to reach the level they have never dreamed about breath in and out,
Can you free yourself can you be yourself so feel the vibe and live your live no compromise till your demise , how many more times they gonna tell us if are ready for the stars, fuck them cliches
Fuck them cliches fuck them cliches, three times they are so fuckin lame , but they wont never ever ruin my way to my fate, they wont enslave my soul before my heart turns cold,

Maya Sar – Bilo je vrijeme


Maya Sar – Bilo je vrijeme

Skloni sa mojih dlanova
Obraze od tuge nazuljane
Oduvek,znali smo mi
I za poraze ali i za pobede i bolje dane
Sad ni jedna straza mi ne pomaze,
Jer ne vrijedi kad se srce pokaze,
I sta od predje preko njega
Nema ni tu Bog zna cega
Malo srece,gorka utjeha

Bilo je vrijeme,jer vec smo strani
I sasvim tudji,jedno drugom ti i ja
Al ti me cuvaj,od svega brani
Da ozivim u tvom srcu,ponekad

Skloni sa mojih dlanova,
Obraze neka suze teku same,
Ne gledaj,ne zelim da tako pamtim te,
Vise nisam ti ni rame
Sad ni jedna straza mi ne pomaze,
Jer ne vrijedi kad se srce pokaze
I sta god predje preko njega
Nema ni tu Bog zna cega
Malo srece,gorka utjeha

Bilo je vrijeme,
Jer vec smo strani,
I sasvim tudji,
Jedno drugom ti i ja
Al ti me cuvaj,
Od svega brani
Da ozivim u tvom srcu ponekad

Kad prodju godine
Sto nose moje ime
I skines smene
Kroz zvezdane prasine
U kojoj kapi
Dok se jutra probudim
Nek padne kisa
Da te sa njom poljubim

Bilo je vrijeme
Al ti me cuvaj,brani,
Da ozivim u tvom srcu

Bilo je vrijeme,
Jer vec smo strani
I sasvim tudji,ti i ja
Al ti me cuvaj,
Od svega brani
Da ozivim
U tvom srcu ponekad

Warden – Crank dat Chad


Warden – Crank dat Chad

chad daddy warden
aight, im talkin bout that new dance
u have ta shuv up yo own ass n shit, but u know what im tryina say?
(Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh yoooouuuu!)
[Chorus: x2]
chad warden shuv up deal dough
shut da hell up, watch me roll
watch me shuv it up ma ass then super smash that hoe
now watch me you
(shuv it up yo ass)
now watch me you
(shuv it up yo ass)
now watch me you
(shuv it up yo ass)
now watch me you
(shuv it up yo ass)
[Verse 1:]
chad warden shuv up deal dough
watch me shuv it up that fox
super smash that hoe
then watch me shuv it up xbox
super mario suck cocks
playin that HD game man
when i shuv it up yo ass i get that dildo then shuv that thang
(now you)
i shuv it up yo bitch ass
and if we get to fightin
then I’m fuckin up yo bitch ass
you see me at yo local party, yeah i shuv it everyday
niggas gettin mad cuz i got me some ballin games
[Chorus x2]

[Verse 2:]
ey yo wassup its yo boy ps3indapleezle here…

[Chorus x2]

Alexander – Sempre più su


Alexander – Sempre più su

In diretta
sul letto in cameretta
il tempo passa infretta
dammi retta
se ti fermi nn ti aspetta
l’anima esplode e
la pelle ti sta stretta
amico che disdetta
il mono no mi accetta
e non ho banconote da far belle con lo stiro
ho 7 cicatrici sopra il petto cm ken shiro
esco faccio un giro
lecco strappo accendo e tiro
guido forte taxidriver
robert deniro
e non ho colpi in canna
e non ho canne per i colpi
voglio cancellare tutti imiei torti
vogli più cristi mortiu e risorti
voglio la luna tt le notti
voglio te e che mi ascolti
voglio andare lontano
tenerti permano
guardarti negl’occhi
e poi tirti ti amo
voglio un letto e noi che dormiamo
voglio un sole e noi che ci svegliamo
voglio vivere il0 ricordo di cio che siamo

su sempre piu su
toccare il cielo per poi tornare giu
farlo ancora e nn smettere mai piu
ed è lontana la meta per me
perchè oggi
non mi basterebbe la metà di te
sao che c’è
parole sopra un foglio
sono felice
muio e risorgo sono fenice
la vita è buio e sono luce
chiudo ghl’occhi e la ta voce
ecco ti vedo
musa iapiratrice

lo so sono lontano, non mi vedi
arrivo dal silenzio, punta dipiedi
tu tienimi dentro, come i segrti
pensami piu forte se npon ci credi
cammino la mia strada,
guardando dritto avanti
e come vada vada
la tratto con i guanti
qualunque cosa accada
mi godo quegli istanti
sguaino la mia spada
immaginando te che canti
non vedo l’arrivo
ma solo la partenza
sopra un foglio scrivo
e perdendo la violena
passerà tutto dico ci vuole pazienza
passo dopo passo non perdo la speranza
errori io ne ho fatti
ho perso il conto
il passato a me davanti io l’affonto
la vita costa cara
non ti farò lo sconto
adesso fatti avanti che io sono pronto

su sempre piu su
toccare il cielo per poi tornare giu
farlo ancora e nn smettere mai piu
ed è lontana la meta per me
perchè oggi
non mi basterebbe la metà di te
sao che c’è
parole sopra un foglio
sono felice
muio e risorgo sono fenice
la vita è buio e sono luce
chiudo ghl’occhi e la ta voce
ecco ti vedo
musa iapiratrice

Saori – Saint Seiya


Saori – Saint Seiya

Saori tem a luz do sonho e do amor

No torneio cósmico é o bem que vence a dor

Nome de mulher escondendo a deusa Athena

Deusa da ciência tem um mágico poder

No seu coração guarda uma paixão por Seya

Meiga e leal, romântica e fiel

Doce apaixonada vai fazendo o seu papel

Na missão do bem enfrentando o mal

A felicidade é seu ideal




Sempre protegendo alguém

No carinho que ela tem

E o nome dela é Saori, Saori, Saori, Saori

Se arriscando sem temor, pra salvar o lutador

E o nome dela é Saori…

Green Ink – Caduto per la Vita


Green Ink – Caduto per la Vita

Metto a punto le mie ultime speranze
le paure cingono il mio collo come vite rampicante
una scure di presagi ortaggi che lascio marcire
per partire costruire qualche cosa di più grande
Per salpare c’è la fila va a finire che sto a riva
fanno in tutto settemila per me Adila e la bambina
ci imbarchiamo una mattina per le cinque o poco prima
su una sorta di latrina perde acqua dalla stiva
ma si ostinano a partire distacchiamo la banchina
saluto la mia strada la mia casa e la mia Libia
anche la loro guerra finta gira voce sia finita:
non ci credo me ne vado e prendo in mano la mia vita!
Ghaydaa si addormenta con in mano il mio corano,
e il mio viso di petrolio per il quale lavoravo
è la prima volta forse, che mi pare strano
sarà il mare che è sovrano oppure colpa dell’orario
Un’altra sigaretta non ho fretta di arrivare
resto solo con me stesso e un falso dio per cui pregare.
posso solo riposare tra le tante anime stanche
apro gli occhi con il sole e siamo già dall’altra parte

Ed io, non la conosco questa terra
non conosco la sua gente la cultura che professa
lo confesso mi spaventa presuppongo sia la stessa
che non faccia differenza un’epidermide diversa
fiumi di parole su di voi sul 39
“Italiani brava gente sia di fatto che di nome!
nascondono imperanti sotto i baffi le parole e
sogliono agghindarsi nero pece di carbone!”
Ore piccole nel fisico e fame da leone
sono ricco di attenzioni, non ho soldi e non ho un nome
mi accolgono agitate una trentina di persone
faccio scendere mia moglie che sta male per il sole
Alia stende con premura il proprio Burqa sulle tempie
Fidaa ride di piacere al bel paese che ci attende
Talha crolla senza sensi mentre guarda le lancette
mentre Kareem piange e vive un brutto sogno ormai da sempre
mentre il mondo si ribalta e il cuore esplode con la testa
messa a fuoco dalla ressa del mio centro d’accoglienza
sento grida tra le lacrime asciugate dalle dita
delle nuove cento anime cadute per la vita.

E poi, cosa sono le bandiere?
Le difese alle pretese di ottenere il tuo potere
in un podere di confini labili e invisibili
che possa contenere solo individui simili!
No, non esiste tutto questo:
il tuo contesto è il mio medesimo universo,
ricalchiamo con il nostro peso futile il centro di un contorno
puoi chiamarlo come vuoi, ma il suo nome resta mondo
Se mi guardo attorno affondo in questo mare
che cambiare situazione non significa scappare
e non schifare una battaglia senza scopo né ideale
per Ghaydaa e per adila significa aver fame
Prima della pelle guardami la faccia
postponendo la tua rabbia dimmi cosa cambia
Abbiamo umanità che viaggia tra le vene nelle braccia
e al male di un connazionale sono il primo che si incazza!
Italiano ti rispetto, ti prometto il mio sudore
per l’unica nazione che mi ha accolto senza un nome
ma mi avevano parlato di un’Unione e non la vedo
forse che è festivo, o che se vuole l’uomo è cieco.

Sasa Matic – Kralj meraka


Sasa Matic – Kralj meraka

Tiha voda roni breg
rekla si mi davno
kad sam tebe voleo
u prolece rano

Dodje mi da srce sada
okacim o klin
jer bez tebe vise ne znam
sta cu dalje s njim

Al opet pevam,pravim se jak
kao da nista nije
srce mi kuca sa pola snage
al kazem , dobro mi je
al opet pevam kao da si tu
da pobegnem od mraka
i kad mi nije do pese stalo
postajem kralj meraka
postajem kralj meraka

Gde to ima bagrema
koji nema grana
gde to ima coveka
koji nema rana

S tobom mi je zivot pravi
ovo nisam ja
ko ce znati sta me drzi
jos na nogama

Refren: 2X
Al opet pevam,pravim se jak
kao da nista nije
srce mi kuca sa pola snage
al kazem , dobro mi je
al opet pevam kao da si tu
da pobegnem od mraka
i kad mi nije do pese stalo
postajem kralj meraka
postajem kralj meraka

Rico Brasil – Acabou


Rico Brasil – Acabou

Vai sentir , vai chorar
no amor se corre um risco de machucar de se entregar

vai sorrir , vai lembrar
dos momentos mais felizes a lua e o mar sem medo de amar

mas não pode mergulhar num sentimento onde a história se perdeu
tire a venda dos seu olhos pouco a pouco vai saber quem escolheu

acabou , nosso sonho,
acabou , nossa vida
separou , mas espero por você
me ligou dividida
então falou decidida
meu amor não consigo te esquecer …

mas não pode mergulhar num sentimento onde a história se perdeu
tire a venda dos seu olhos pouco a pouco vai saber quem escolheu
refrão …

Comfinn – Weltherrschaft


Comfinn – Weltherrschaft

Man, dass kann doch nicht sein.
Wir sitzen hier 2 Stunden und haben immernoch kein neues Konzept.
[“Ich hätte da was Chef!”]
Wisst ihr was ich will?

(MUSIK 2x)


ja Weltherrschaft,

(MUSIK 1x)

Was hat dass hier noch für einen Sinn?
Ich will die Weltherrschaft und Gin!
Ich weiß die Weltherrschaft ist drin,
Beherrsche alles mit dem Jim!

(MUSIK 2x)


ja Weltherrschaft,

(MUSIK 1x)

Was hat dass hier noch für einen Sinn?
Ich will die Weltherrschaft und Gin!
Ich weiß die Weltherrschaft ist drin,
Beherrsche alles mit dem Jim!

ComFinn herrscht über die Welt
Wir machen dass was uns gefällt,
Keiner der uns ein Bein stellt,
denn ComFinn herrscht über die Welt!

Eigentlich sind wir viel zu jung,
deswegen sitzen wir dumm rum,
und schreiben diesen dummen song,
die Leute fragen uns “WARUM!?”

(MUSIK 2x)


ja Weltherrschaft,





(MUSIK 2x)

ja Weltherrschaft,

ja Weltherrschaft,

ja Weltherrschaft,

ja Weltherrschaft,

Sonic the Hedgehog – Start Again


Sonic the Hedgehog – Start Again

And I remember everything,
Everything I loved,
I gave it away like it wasn’t enough
All the words I said and all you forgive
How could I hurt you again?

What if I let you in?
What if I make it right it?
What if I give it up?
What if I want to try?
What if you take a chance?
What if I learn to love?
What if, what if we start again?

All this time
I can make it right
With one more try
Can we start again?
In my eyes,
You can see it now,
Can we start again, can we start again?!?

Emptiness inside me, wonder if you see
It’s my mistake and it’s hurting me
I known where we’ve been
How did we get so far?
What if, what if we start again?

I’m lost inside the pain I feel without you,
I can’t stop holding on, I need you with me!!!
I’m trapped inside the pain
Can we never love again?
I’m lost without you!!!

One more try,
Can we start again?
In my eyes, can you forgive me now?
(Can we start again?)
Can we start again (one more try?)
Can we start again?
Can we start again (can you forgive me?)
Can we start again?

Zifella – Mother


Zifella – Mother

Mother cross your heart and hope to die
Will you come home?
Promise, you search to find
The road you’re on
For peace of mind
You’re all he’s hot
So growl the spine
And break the spell

You can run as a fool
You should stop to pretend
You know everything
You can hide like a pray
But at the end of the day you’d do anything
You might as well
How could you carry him?
And then just walk away?
You can run as a fool
You should stop to pretend
You know everything

Mother, your flash and blood
And you wrote his name and you broke his life
You’re all shine on your own
Never care for the boy from home
The one you’ve put through hell

You can run as a fool
You should stop to pretend
You know everything
You can hide like a pray
But at the end of the day you’d do anything
You might as well
How could you carry him?
And then just walk away?

You can run as a fool
You should stop to pretend
You know everything
Mother cross your heart and hope to die
Will you come home?

You can run as a fool
You should stop to pretend
You know everything
You can hide like a pray
But at the end of the day you’d do anything
You might as well
How could you carry him?
And then just walk away?
You can run as a fool
You should stop to pretend
You know everything

You’re all shining on your own
Never care for the boy from home
The one you’ve put through hell

Put a bullet on this empty head
Put a bullet on an empty head

Lil’ Wayne – No Motive


Lil’ Wayne – No Motive

I’m a lover not a fighter, I can’t find my lighter
My house is four stories, I tell ‘em I don’t write ‘em
And my living room is white, my lies are much whiter
My darkest secrets are bright, I need a sun visor
I say “187”, make your bitch run my errands
I’m at the bar with a Dracula ordering bloody Mary’s
I got a house on the prairie, got a corpse in the basement
I see hell out the window, man, this view is amazing
And if I go back to jail, Persian rugs in my cell
Got the world in my hands, it got all under my nails
In a room full of stairs give ‘em something to see
I be so fucking faded, who washed the colors with bleach?
Now they biting my style, hope it get stuck in your teeth
I been had the green light so don’t jump in the street
The world’s under my feet, I’m just kissing the sky
Tune, what is that smell? That’s the shit on my mind

Fuck all you bitches
Fuck all you bitches
Fuck all you bitches
Fuck all you bitches
Fuck all you hoes
Fuck all you hoes
1 million, 2 million, 3, 4

Breaking up the kush, sticky fingers-onics
I’m throwing up gang signs, you can see I’m in my vomit
And I’m cool right now but please don’t change the climate
‘Cause I’m sleeping with the enemy in bulletproof pajamas
I got issues bigger than you, bitches taller than me
Ratchet and Bougie, I like R’n’B
Unapologetic, I’m sorry for not being sorry
You niggas old news, prehistoric
I need Benadryl for my trigger finger, bad bitches for my home boys
The grass is greener on the other side, I’m focused on my own yard
Ain’t got enough, need more dough, we twisting blunts like torsos
I’m rich as fuck but more so, a poor soul
Oh well, if snow fell like hoes fell in love I be a snow man
My bitch a die for me, she a soldier, GI Joe-Ann
Take chances when I know I ain’t got no chance, roll ‘em
I left that crab table with a chip on my shoulder

Fuck all you bitches
Fuck all you bitches
Fuck all you bitches
Fuck all you bitches
Fuck all you hoes
Fuck all you hoes
1 million, 2 million, 3, 4

We ain’t got no motive, we just killing y’all for nothing
And my bitch got cotton mouth, you know them snakes cannot be trusted
And I bet y’all niggas don’t say shit because I’m feeling lucky
And I still pray every night that aliens abduct me, Tunechi

Nipsey Hussle – 1 of 1


Nipsey Hussle – 1 of 1

I can’t get the money, but now that I got it
Hate on a nigga, but HG is starving
She taught me that p**sy, but I never caught it
You’re acting me why .. I got too much molly,
Ohh, you’re looking at the 1 of 1
Ohh, I’ll show you how the shit is done,
Ohh, my chain I like the way I’ve done
Ohh, just looking what I’ve become.

Make a grip, walk inside the shit and I take my pick, I take a shit,
I know you fake niggas when I drop my shit,
When I roll my shit, I owe my shit,
I’m on my shit, I’m on some shit,
Some more of shit, some more of shit that I pay my rent,
I pay my tent that make me rich, I make them rich
And got some shit, now watch his look
More cash, more money, more fame,
I’m the realest nigga in this f*cking game
I came up, walk a courter, all bomb,
Make his cracking nigga respect my mind
I run my shit, I’m on my shit, I’m on some shit
Some more of shit, Range Rover shit,
I came this life spread off this lofer shit,
You get this niggas off that .. feed up on the sofa shit

I can’t get the money, but now that I got it
Hate on a nigga, but HG is starving
She taught me that p**sy, but I never caught it
You’re acting me why .. I got too much molly,
Ohh, you’re looking at the 1 of 1
Ohh, I’ll show you how the shit is done,
Ohh, my chain I like the way I’ve done
Ohh, just looking what I’ve become.

I talk that shit just ’cause I live it nigga
And if I don’t know more that’s cuz I did it nigga
You get smart, you get richer nigga,
She start hatin’ I cheap nigga,
Could be specific in some west side neighborhood crash all district,
Slaught some .. anybody killin’
Don’t give a fuck about a bitch who .. nigga
Yeah they caught my raps like stretches,
They say I shop like hippers, I drive cars like a rich nigga
And probably pull up with your hoe hoe
6 to 0 for sure, get dough, pulling up in my show
Been about the bank roll, make this mill to lego
Busting whipping change clothes, money power and hoes
Hoe hoe

I can’t get the money, but now that I got it
Hate on a nigga, but HG is starving
She taught me that p**sy, but I never caught it
You’re acting me why .. I got too much molly,
Ohh, you’re looking at the 1 of 1
Ohh, I’ll show you how the shit is done,
Ohh, my chain I like the way I’ve done
Ohh, just looking what I’ve become.

A hundred points that’s a hundred grand
Bring your money if you want it dead
I’m the man don’t you understand?
My pack loud like a f*cking bag
Bitch .. all this record .. Benz
I love my haters they my biggest fans,
I’m on the feel they just ..
I let em watch me while I make this space,
Six times down in their face
.. on the block air get this money on
OG know in my switches
Activist poor in my .. now little bitch
She got ass and I wanna fuck her.

I can’t get the money, but now that I got it
Hate on a nigga, but HG is starving
She taught me that p**sy, but I never caught it
You’re acting me why .. I got too much molly,
Ohh, you’re looking at the 1 of 1
Ohh, I’ll show you how the shit is done,
Ohh, my chain I like the way I’ve done
Ohh, just looking what I’ve become.

Rilgood – Ghost In The Machine


Rilgood – Ghost In The Machine

I am Rilgood and I am with you

I’m here to make history, the magic and the misery
Dreaming like I’m Doctor King, they’ll merk me on the balcony
What the game’s been missing, I’m hoping that you’ll listen
Hear you rappers dissing but I’m sticking to the mission
Keep campaign to save the world, all ears, boys and girls
Don’t follow these rappers, all of them are lying
Claiming that they lions, claiming that they wows
When they really sheep, man, what I speak is deep
I conjure up these spirits, what you hear in these lyrics
Everything we talk about we really did it
I’m fucking hoes to get my bread, these lines are in my head
Go wild and do shit, don’t waste time just stuck in bed
And I know some young chicks sucking dick for drug fix
At least Gucci baby girl, that other shit ain’t worth it
And I know my young boys are whiling for respect
Yeah, respect is cool, won’t get your ass a check
Fiend niggas lose it all tryna be like real good
Nigga, just be yourself, I swear you be real good
I win it down, forgettable, bitter sweet, poetical
My pen is credible ’cause my thoughts are federal
If you seen what I seen you probably go blind
Walk in my shoes and you probably go cripple
Payback for the coke rush, overcharge and triple
Just a cell in the sea, try to make a ripple, yeah

Star Anna – For Anyone


Star Anna – For Anyone

Bored and hit, pining, like a heavy weight fight
And I’m not feeling like myself tonight
But if the devil moon comes and hits me right
I’ll be anyone

And I could’ve strayed bared back through the home of the brave dragon
Dried up memories of stranger days
Just lay down next to you in a shallow grave
Unmarked by anyone

Chase, you’re lost and the rivers’ edge
Where they wash believer and they raise the dead
And I built you an altar and I bow my head and cry down for anyone

In the shadow of a dream, I guess I lost my nerve
I was as retched as a saint, leave everything you heard
While I tell you all about it
Right I don’t wanna speak a word to anyone

I still got your name scrolled out across my back
I should’ve known you’d let me bleed like that
I find a brand new disciple when the moon goes black
She’ll look like anyone

I’ve been down in this city of rain
And you ripped right through me like a runaway train
Goddamn, I loved you, now I just wait around for anyone

In the emptiness of morning
You gone, I was bolted to the floor
You’ve been moving all along, you left me twisted up and tired
With nothing but a song that I don’t wanna sing for anyone

Chino – Nuh Trust Dem


Chino – Nuh Trust Dem

Watch them, watch them
…carry on’we’re in the car with’

Nuh trust dem, we nuh trust dem, nobody feel ‘
That’s way we nuh trust dem, we nuh trust dem
We nuh trust people ‘

Smiling on you face ‘
‘keep the ‘wander’
Nuh trust dem, we nuh trust dem, nobody feel ‘
That’s way we nuh trust dem, we nuh trust dem
We nuh trust people ‘

Since nigga was ‘
‘some of new nuh trust on it
That’s way we nuh trust dem, we nuh trust dem
‘.just dem
That’s way we nuh trust dem, we nuh trust dem
We nuh trust people ‘
‘.nuh trust dem

We spot dem from’
You know I represent
…we nuh trust dem’
That’s way we nuh trust dem, we nuh trust dem

Lead my ‘lead my’lead my’lead my’
Watch shis ‘forgive dem father, forgive dem ‘
Forgive father ..we live in ‘
Lead my ‘lead my’lead my’lead my’

Alexander Spit – Down


Alexander Spit – Down

You know my tick and I hold it down
KT on the beat and I hold it down
Rose whip gonna trip when I hold it down
In a getaway car with my chick finna hold it
All eyes for the M look green
Eyes hypnotic with a pendulum swing
Like a coup for cam I like the walls
And play clue with a jam
Misguided E with a plan so I
Most of you’s been abandoned’
Got euros singing for my son’s heroes
So I see cents in planning out my escape
Next to a swan gonna take’em out
Next to a clown in Vegas
Puff buy yo shit then watch OG proud
Strut with a smile, strut with a lip
Hoes got wheels that will cuff to some man
In the corner with the ones that you’re up against
Don’t call’em friends unless they ain’t what you meant

Can’t tick on the beat and I hold it down
Can’t tick on the beat and I hold it down
Rose whip gonna trip when I hold it down
In a getaway car with my chick finna hold it down
You know my team finna hold it down
Can’t tick on the beat and I hold it down
First off my trip gonna hold it down
In a getaway car with my chick finna hold it down

I’ll be back next week
That’s word and they hear it with a whist
I’m down for the chick but I can’t speak’
Down for the cause down for the dawgs
Down to break a few logs
Down for the bros send it down the pipe
What spits around and you notice?
Spits for dad and you notice
What spits around and you notice?
So focus

Boldy James – How Much


Boldy James – How Much

Kind creatures, hell block..
What else? Let’s get it
Get some whores in his house
Get some whores in his house
That’s my five dollar whore
Get some whores in his house
Get some whores in his house
Get some whores in his house
How much I just got on her?
Working all day bitch’bitch you wish you have your ‘
So have some shit’
Back when I was coming up, kiss me on my fern dick
Nigga you was never one of us, you was ‘and niggas on the last league
Keep that forty with the’
I ain’t cu my niggas drilling ‘
‘and kill ‘em
Wake up on that coma, poop it..on this death bitch
‘.bad league cuz bullets fly in numbers don’t lie
Is the mad ‘keep that bad …can I give a ‘
Me and yankee crack and ‘
Up and locals now we’re struck and’

‘I gave her 20 she gave me back 2
..how much I got a’
..how much I got a’
I just gotta know how much I gotta drow
Get some whore in his house
Get some whore in his house
Get some whore in his house
That’s my five dollar whore
Get some whore in his house
Get some whore in his house
Get some whore in his house
‘got work out and have’
‘little bit of nigga but an elephant dick
The nigga whore be loving it
‘like the Government
‘for the fuckers’
I’m all day after hood ‘and they going back don’t switch the ‘
…that’s going back’
I’m knowing that’
‘stay ground like on my mothershut ‘
‘no matter how you ‘
You can’t live without a bullet ‘but the way I move you got it
..you feel me, but I’mma let his ‘
..how much I got a’
..how much I got a’
I just gotta know how much I gotta drow
Get some whore in his house
Get some whore in his house
Get some whore in his house
That’s my five dollar whore
Get some whore in his house
Get some whore in his house
Get some whore in his house
How much I gotta blow on a five dollar whore
Get some whores in this house’
…from the east side’
Bitch you know what we about
‘murder everything ‘
Gotta ‘.should I dam for these fools’
I’ve been broke’I couldn’t
‘this niggas more pussy then niggas ‘and she get the key to my room
Yeah nigga wan a big plan’
‘but you can count me to ..
I ain’t got the crown but you can count me
I swear to God man I feel likeone’
…i’m bout to progress my situations
Fuck niggas must be the new’all I see man niggs be hating
I just gotta know,
How much I gotta through on five dollar whore
I just wanna know how much I’m gonna through on five dollar whore

Get some whore in his house
Get some whore in his house
Get some whore in his house
That’s my five dollar whore
Get some whore in his house
Get some whore in his house
Get some whore in his house

Nipsey Hussle – H-Town


Nipsey Hussle – H-Town

Keep that H town in my cup, OG in my blunt
Crenshaw on my shirt, German on my stunt
Keep that H town in my cup, OG in my blunt
Crenshaw on my shirt, German on my stunt
Keep that H town in my cup, OG in my blunt
Crenshaw on my shirt, German on my stunt
Keep that H town in my cup, OG in my blunt
Crenshaw on my shirt, German on my stunt

Bitch I’m makin moves, 6 on 22’s
Walk inside my house, all you see is glues
Flat screens on the wall, white fence in the hall
Make 100 racks and tell my bitch to count it up
It was against the odds til niggas played they cards
All we did was ball, look how they did my door
All these pretty broads, all these foreign cars
Made a grip to lose it all, it was the rise before the fall
But I’m still going
H town in my cup, kush still blowin
Strike my niggas up, they know it’s still rollin
Crenshaw on my shirt, they see they boy blowin

Keep that H town in my cup, OG in my blunt
Crenshaw on my shirt, German on my stunt
Keep that H town in my cup, OG in my blunt
Crenshaw on my shirt, German on my stunt
Keep that H town in my cup, OG in my blunt
Crenshaw on my shirt, German on my stunt
Keep that H town in my cup, OG in my blunt
Crenshaw on my shirt, German on my stunt

Every time that I go, niggas know that I go off
Pull up in that white Benz, yea baby I’mma show off
And all my niggas salute me, like a nigga would stay off
Hitler, you better hide yo bitch ’cause I’ll hit her, I’ll hit her
Nigga and I think to you a missin, I don’t wanna
But if a nigga did it she a goner
But man I’mma gonna hit a corner
Take a hit of this weed and sippin some of this pour up
Got niggas onto me ‘cus yo dream bitch is my main slut
These diamonds heavy on me and yo baby mama she wanna fuck
Her hard go Tiffany, nigga you know she wanna come
Come and roll with me, what you call that? A threesome

H town in my cup, OG in my blunt
Crenshaw on my shirt, German on my stunt
Keep that H town in my cup, OG in my blunt
Crenshaw on my shirt, German on my stunt
Keep that H town in my cup, OG in my blunt
Crenshaw on my shirt, German on my stunt
Keep that H town in my cup, OG in my blunt
Crenshaw on my shirt, German on my stunt

Tell er it’s my time and watch the girl get turnt on
Some zig zags and OG, it’s time to get my burn on
I make er shake that ass but she ain’t have no skirt on
I do it just like Pac, nigga I ain’t had no shirt on
My money come in lumps, love only come once
You the nigga she got, but I’m the nigga she want
I told er leave on the pumps
‘cus it’s a perfect equation
Her body lookin amazing and my pockets looking Caucasian
And you niggas sloppy on me but I’ll slap yo face off
Finna buy yo job then you gonna get laid off
Made 35 million then I’m just gon shade off
By 2015, nigga I be paid off

H town in my cup, OG in my blunt
Crenshaw on my shirt, German on my stunt
Keep that H town in my cup, OG in my blunt
Crenshaw on my shirt, German on my stunt
Keep that H town in my cup, OG in my blunt
Crenshaw on my shirt, German on my stunt
Keep that H town in my cup, OG in my blunt
Crenshaw on my shirt, German on my stunt

Purple all in my bitch, money up and just look
Slow paper, all spiff
Get mo paper off kitchen
Got a hublot on my wrist, bad bitch on my dick
Cartiers on my eyes and got my clear side on my grip
It’s that Dom Cobby and Nip
Ask me, I’m in here
That west side still the best side, got a mack 11 on hip
I swear that south shit that killed pimp
Same shit that killed Skru
Got these dollars split with my crew
Plus we stay shittin PU
Weak ass, weak jazz
Girl that’s Cali
That’s that load, that’s Kliko, Balenciagas and Balis
This that thrusters and palm trees, my palm raise a profit
Saw that west side and then locked it
Got yo girl heart in my pocket, word

H town in my cup, OG in my blunt
Crenshaw on my shirt, German on my stunt
Keep that H town in my cup, OG in my blunt
Crenshaw on my shirt, German on my stunt
Keep that H town in my cup, OG in my blunt
Crenshaw on my shirt, German on my stunt
Keep that H town in my cup, OG in my blunt

Nipsey Hussle – If U Were Mine


Nipsey Hussle – If U Were Mine

If you were mine, if you were mine, I waiting on
Still up all night,
Look, no I can’t promise commitment but I swear we’ll have fun
If you ask I’ll be honest, girl you’re not the only one
Just a man on the mission with my hand with gun
Couple niggas that hating but more nigga show love
Niggas try to hard like ‘
Turn around I ‘like it’s a crime that’s ‘
Too afraid to be different, too ashamed to be listen
See I wait to more, so now I hate all my niggs
Try to hate al my’. Try to hate all my business
Not to call you my bitch, gotta hate you all my m bitches
So if you fucking with me now you know my attention
Got to think like my brother, you gotta know your position
So if it’s cool ow we can have the ‘and say it’s cool
Pop the ‘of the superior ‘
Crack the music on circles on ‘
And just enjoy the view
And she said If you were mine, if you were mine, I waiting on
I’m not tripping back with you niggas
‘what you go it, looking for something different ‘
Me flt tripping, international tripping
I got my number up and now thay pay for my statistic
Yeah, young nigga starting off with a vision
…shit off for nothing ‘
Now transition, so check out how we living ‘
‘and their transition it’s seeping
Nigga, get your bitch cuz I’ll be bitch getting
Treat her like she wanna be treating but I ain’t tricking
Beat it like she wanna be beating but I won’t kiss it
Blame it all that shit that we are smoking and plus we zipping on
Double ‘you try to double ‘
Cuz I’ll be sitting once but she caught the double ..nasty
Said she use to double ‘to quick to fall in love, what the fuck
She said If you were mine, if you were mine, I waiting on
If I was yours and you was mine would you do me, like you do me ‘have someone on my side
Keep your head up, well I stay on my ground
Sit me up and we gonna spend some time’
If I was yours and you was mine, would you do me, like you do me ‘have someone on my side
So keep your nigga and I stay on my ‘
Sit me up and we gonna spend some time
If you were mine, if you were mine, I’ll wait that

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