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Perseids – Fall Into The Past Lyrics


Perseids – Fall Into The Past Lyrics


You’re walking down another way (again)
You wanna take the other land (again)
And every time you’re looking there (again)
Another day won’t understand


Falling back in past
Looking at that what’s all of dust
Breaking that what you trust
Couldn’t stand of lust
Just calm down and stay
Clear your heart and let us pray
Better wave your solo way

Sometimes you seem to lose your head (again)
And life seems to be faster than (before)
So don’t you try to throw it all (away)
May be it is worth no more


Looking back in past
Looking at that what’s all of dust
Breaking that what you trust
Couldn’t stand of lust
Just calm down and stay
Clear your heart and let us pray
Better wave your solo way

Gloria Gaynor – Winter Wonderland Lyrics


Gloria Gaynor – Winter Wonderland Lyrics

Sleigh bells ring
Are you listening?
In the lane
Snow is glistening
A beautiful sight
We’re happy tonight
In a winter wonderland

Gone away
Is the bluebird
Here to stay
Is a new bird
He sings a love song
As we go along
In a winter wonderland

In the meadow
We can build a snowman
And pretend
That he is Parson Brown
He’ll say are you married?
We’ll say No man
But you can do the job
When you’re in town

Later on, we’ll conspire
As we dream, by the fire
To face unafraid
The plans that we’ve made
In a winter wonderland

In the meadow
We can build a snowman
And pretend
That he’s a circus clown
We’ll have lots of fun
With Mr. Snowman
Until the other kids
Come knock him down

When it’s cold
Ain’t it thrilling
When your nose
Gets to chilling
We’ll frolic and play
The eskimo way
In a winter wonderland

In a winter wonderland

CHM – Hypochonder lyrics


CHM – Hypochonder lyrics

Ich bin kein Hypochonder, nein ich mein, das kann nicht sein.
Ich brauch kein` Psychodoctor nur ein keimfreies Heim.
Sie mein` ich lüg doch nochmal: Ich hab bestimmt Aids im Leib
und spür den Wirt in mir wie Ripley in Aliens 3.
Ich bin kein Hypochonder, ich bin kein Hypochonder,
Ich bin kein Hypochonder, Hypochonder.
Ich bin kein Hypochonder, ich bin kein Hypochonder,
nein ich teil die Zeit die bleibt nicht mit Laien im Heim.

Part 1:
Ich ernähre mich gesund, treibe Sport und entspanne,
doch sitze ich beim Arzt, merk ich wie ich mich grad verwandle.
Selbstdiagnose, mein Körper ist ein Tempel,
multimorbide mit Krebs und anderem alten Krempel.
Ich bin etwas müde, lag schlaflos in der Nacht,
hab sie wieder nur mit googlen von Symptomen verbracht.
Auf zum Proktologen der hat `nen Stab der sehr kalt ist,
er muss etwas testen, meine Darmperistaltik.
Jeder Tag ist gleich, ich bade im Sterillium
und scheuer mir dabei mit einer Drahtbürste den Schniedel wund.
Abends schau ich Dr. House und nasche Vitaminpillen,
ist der fall zu spannend muss ich erst auf Ritalin chillen.
Wer ist down mit dir ? Meine Ärzte, meine Schwestern,
auch wenn sie beim diagnostizieren nicht immer Recht haben.
Wer ist down mit dir ? ähm mein Apotheker,
wenn ich ihn besuch gibt’s extra noch ne Packung Zewa.

Ich bin kein Hypochonder, nein ich mein, das kann nicht sein.
Ich brauch kein` Psychodoctor nur ein keimfreies Heim.
Sie mein` ich lüg doch nochmal: Ich hab bestimmt Aids im Leib
und spür den Wirt in mir wie Ripley in Aliens 3.
Ich bin kein Hypochonder, ich bin kein Hypochonder,
Ich bin kein Hypochonder, Hypochonder.
Ich bin kein Hypochonder, ich bin kein Hypochonder,
nein ich teil die Zeit die bleibt nicht mit Laien im Heim.

Part 2:
Ich bin Veganer Stufe 5, trinke nichtmal Wasser,
doch trag die NACL Lösung mit mir wenn ich in die Stadt fahr.
Angst vor der Sonne ist der Grund das ich im Keller leb,
Ich schau kein Fern nur wieder in die Röhre – MRT.
Ich chill`auf dem Seziertisch, denn der ist immer faltenfrei,
auf der Jagd nach Drogen führt mich dieser Weg ins Altenheim.
Hallo Opa, wenn ich fertig bin mit dir Bastard,
liegst du unter`m Kissen und mein Arm trägt dein Morphinpflaster.
Komm mit dem Haldol, zeig wie mutig du bist,
ich hab Aids und spuck dir Wichser Blut ins Gesicht.
Mein Krebs ist wie der Finger eines Models aus der Teenpeople,
ich weiß das ist für dich zu hoch wie mein Cholesterinspiegel.
Ich hab keine Zeit zu arbeiten, betreibe ein Labor,
die meisten meiner Testpersonen sind Weiber aus dem Dorf.
Sie schreien doch dieser Ort hier, liegt versteckt unter der Erde,
mit Folie ausgelegt, ich will mein`Teppich nicht gefährden.

Ich bin kein Hypochonder, nein ich mein, das kann nicht sein.
Ich brauch kein` Psychodoctor nur ein keimfreies Heim.
Sie mein` ich lüg doch nochmal: Ich hab bestimmt Aids im Leib
und spür den Wirt in mir wie Ripley in Aliens 3.
Ich bin kein Hypochonder, ich bin kein Hypochonder,
Ich bin kein Hypochonder, Hypochonder.
Ich bin kein Hypochonder, ich bin kein Hypochonder,
nein ich teil die Zeit die bleibt nicht mit Laien im Heim.

Jared Rodrigue – Come and Be Born In Me lyrics


Jared Rodrigue – Come and Be Born In Me lyrics

Verse 1:
In my hurt and pain and wounded pride, come and be born in me.
In my darkness, in my dirtiness, come and be born in me. come and be born in me.
I behold You, Lord, as You hold me, Lord; yet I hold You, Lord.
You’ve molded me, taken and chosen me, now come and be born in me.

Chorus 1:
Come and be born in me,
Come and be born in me,
Since I am not able, Lord, make me Your stable,
O come and be born in me
That I may place my flesh with Yours upon the Tree.

Verse 2:
Let the angels sing, let their praises ring, come and be born in me.
Hosanna in the highest, come and be born in me.
Let the kingdoms fall at Your Kingdom’s call, my All in all.
I’ll be Your cross, counting all as loss, come and be born in me.
Come be the Remedy, come and set me free, King of kings,
The Alpha, the Omega, come and be born in me.

Chorus 2:
Come and be born in me,
Come and be born in me,
Since I am not able, Lord, make me Your stable,
O come and be born in me
So to prepare the way for Love on Calvary

Let it be done, Let it be done unto me

Be born in me

James Bell – I remember lyrics


James Bell – I remember lyrics

I remember, I remember, I remember the times,
when you told me you loved me and I thought it was true.
I remember, I remember, I remember the times,
the sun burned so bright and the sky was blue.

We kept getting closer and closer everyday.
I couldn’t stay like this forever but I said I’d find a way.

No I could never leave my future behind. I had to lose you or lose the rest of my life – the rest of my life. I couldn’t give it. You asked to much. I’m sorry.

I know that I shouldn’t have made the promises that I made, that I made.
I have learn’t my lesson I’ll never do something like this again, not again.

Verse 2:
I remember, I remember, I remember the times,
When you stood by me and I stood by you.
I remember, I remember, I remember you changed,
you told so many lies, not a word of truth.

You kept changing every word that I would say.
I was starting to regret the times when I said I’d find a way.

No I could never leave my future behind. I had to lose you or lose the rest of my life – the rest of my life. I couldn’t give it. You asked to much. I’m sorry.

I know that I shouldn’t have made the promises that I made, that I made.
I have learn’t my lesson I’ll never do something like this again, not again.

Guitar Solo

I’m so sorry, so very, very sorry for the bitter sweet memories that came down on us,
but I couldn’t just pack up all my bags for you, put it on the line for you, leave myself behind.
I wish that I could go back because I’d the right things.
I felt like I was under attack.

I know that I shouldn’t have made the promises that I made, that I made.
I have learn’t my lesson I’ll never do something like this again, not again.

Jessica Lynn Frame – How Could You lyrics


Jessica Lynn Frame – How Could You lyrics

Little girl, dreaming of the future, hears every day the same clichés
‘when you’re older, and a mother, you will understand
‘you’re too young right now; give time a chance’
..oh, I’m sorry, mommy, but I don’t think I can

how could you do this?
how could you let hatred pass over your lips?
you’ve ripped my heart in two…and I don’t know what to do
oh, mother… how could you?

young woman, coming into her own, hears all the time
how she does nothing right
‘watch your mouth,’ oh, ‘watch your tone…
‘remember who you’re speaking to… don’t talk to strangers…
‘don’t confide in anyone but me’
oh, how am I supposed to trust anyone like you now?


‘eat your vegetables, don’t ever talk to anyone else…
‘you’d better not ever get in trouble…
‘don’t let the bedbugs bite; I will hold you tight…
‘stay away from your family…be everything I couldn’t be’

how could you do this to me, to him?
how could you do this to our family?
how could you even think such a thing?
how could you do this to me?
how could you let hatred pass over your lips?
you’ve ripped my heart in two… and I don’t know what to do
oh, mother… how could you?

how could you? how could you?

C.P.Oriam – Lifeboat lyrics


C.P.Oriam – Lifeboat lyrics

I gotta wake up from the coma
and put down the habitude
I gotta wipe away the dust
I come to, I come to
now the ship is slowly sinking
but I’m not ready for the sea
and I finally started thinking
I don’t wanna be the absentee

and I’m looking for a lifeboat
and I’m hanging by a thread
this is right here and now
releasing all that is unsaid

when all you see is chaos
and everything goes down
and you cannot foresee the outcome of it all
you warft above confusion feel like you’re in free fall
you try to put together the things that you have torn

I gotta see, that it ain’t hopeless,
that there is always one way out.
the only fact, wich keeps my eyes shut,
is, that I’m wrapped up in my doubts
they’re telling me, that I am helpless,
that I will loose my grip and fall
dark voices everywhere around me
I never could ignore them all

I am looking for a lifeboat
to get back where I am supposed to be
to break my chains and open my eyes
to understand that I was always free

when all you see is chaos
and everything goes down
and you cannot foresee the outcome of it all
you warft above confusion feel like you’re in free fall
you try to put together the things that you have torn

Corepone – So Gone lyrics


Corepone – So Gone lyrics

You’ve been gone for so long it’s time to let go,
you disappeared in the shadows,
just trying to save your soul. You left me all alone
and now you’re too far gone, so gone.

Part I:
Du bist das Mädchen bei dem ich lernte was Liebe ist
Mir kommen die Tränen wenn ich sehe was mir geblieben ist
Deine schönen Briefe, ja ich hab sie aufgehoben
Ich weiß noch ganz genau, damals auf dem Pausenhof
Du hast mich angelächelt, immer wieder angeschaut
Du wolltest mit mir sprechen und du hast dich dann getraut
Du kamst ganz alleine auf mich zu,
ich war so aufgeregt, schnaufte durch und machte kurz die Augen zu
als ich sie wieder öffnete waren es vier Schritte
die uns noch trennten um mein Traum zu verwirklichen
du sagtest “Hi Süßer” und wir kamen ins Gespräch
Die ganzen hoffnungslosen schlechten Tage warn´ gezählt
denn Du hast mir dein Interesse gezeigt
Du hast mein Herz erobert und von den Fesseln befreit
Du warst diejnige, die mir die Schmetterlinge in den Bauch brachte
Doch heute ist das leider anders wenn ich aufwache, denn

You’ve been gone for so long it’s time to let go,
you disappeared in the shadows,
just trying to save your soul. You left me all alone
and now you’re too far gone, so gone.

Part II:
Ich sitze hier mit einem Stift und einem Papier an diesem Regentag
und schau mir deine Bilder an, weil ich dich sehen mag
Ich halt´s nicht länger aus, wann ist mit den Schmerzen Schluss
Ich denke nach, denk zurück an unsern´ ersten Kuss
Er war so einzigartig, ja du hast mich gleich entzückt
Du bist nicht wie die anderen, du bist ein Einzelstück
Ich hatte jede Nacht den selben Traum
Ich wachte auf und musste immer auf die Hände schauen
Denn Hand in Hand sprangen wir durch all die Straßen hindurch
Eines Nachts wurde mir klar: “worauf wartest du nur?
So einen Engel findest du nie wieder, hole sie dir
du hast dich verliebt, merkst du welche Droge sie wird?”
Wir planten Freitags ein Treffen, so zwischen sieben und acht
Wir hatten Spaß gehabt, das alles hielt bis tief in die Nacht
Als ich an deiner Seite lag, machte die Liebe mich schwach
Ich hielt deine Hand und sagte dann: Ich liebe dich Schatz

You’ve been gone for so long it’s time to let go,
you disappeared in the shadows,
just trying to save your soul. You left me all alone
and now you’re too far gone, so gone.

Part III:
Von nun an war es so weit, wir zwei gingen die selben Wege
Du warst das beste Mädchen, ich konnte den Engel sehen – in dir
Ich hab mich riesig gefreut auf jedes einzelne Treffen
hab dann dein Bruder kennengelernt und deinen kleineren Neffen
Er war so süß wie Zuckerwatte mit den zarten Bäckchen
und immer Wenn ich ihn sah dann mit´nem Smartiepäckchen
Eines Tages wachte ich auf durch einen schlechten Traum
Ich habe dich darin verloren, und ich schreckte auf
schaute sofort neben mich, du lagst da nicht mehr
Mein Puls gab mir Schläge ins Gesicht, mir raste das Herz
Dein Handy lag auf dem Tisch, ich konnt dich nicht erreichen
Ich suchte dich vergebens, nach´ner Zeit bin ich verzweifelt
Ich sah dein Gesicht immer in meinen Tränen spiegeln
Es waren Trauertränen, die wie der Regen fielen
Dieser Tag war schwarz und düster wie die Finsternis
als ich am Abend noch erfahren musste dass du jetzt im Himmel bist

You’ve been gone for so long it’s time to let go,
you disappeared in the shadows,
just trying to save your soul. You left me all alone
and now you’re too far gone, so gone.

Empürios – Kiss Of The Blade lyrics


Empürios – Kiss Of The Blade lyrics

You made your time, you made the harmony
For the symphony of Life
Dumped in drums, created cacophony
But you won’t have a single clap

Don’t Matter What you do

You caught the iron, made the steel
And made the sweet turn into sour
Kissed the blades, tasted your blood
But you won’t make a single war

Don’t Matter What you do

You made a run, You’ve made a fall
From the End that is getting near
You felt the razorblade, the freezing cage
But you won’t make a single step

Oh, son, this life you live
[This joke, you trying to fit in ]
You’ve tasted indifference
[But don’t cry, my son]
Oh, little son, you’re gonna die
[Hush! hush! Don’t cry]
Don’t matter what you do

Happy Buddy – Hot Cross Buns lyrics


Happy Buddy – Hot Cross Buns lyrics

Hot Cross Buns!
Hot Cross Buns!
One A Penny!
Two A Penny!
Hot Cross Buns!

If You Have No Daughters!
Give Them To Your Sons!
One A Penny!
Two A Penny!
Hot Cross Buns!

Fun, Fun, Fun! Hey Kids, clap your hands and dance to these fun kids songs and nursery rhymes!

Sahiba Bamrah – We Are One (Tuko Pamoja) lyrics


Sahiba Bamrah – We Are One (Tuko Pamoja) lyrics

Verse 1:

Memories collide
Pictures flashing through my mind
Black and white
(Black and white)
So we put our lighters to the sky
Praying for the souls that passed us by


We are beautiful
We are exceptional
We are wonderful
Look how we’ve come


We are one
(We are one, we are one)
Tuko Pamoja
(We are one, we are one)
We are one

Verse 2:

Rise and rise again
We’ll be fighting ’til the end
(Hatubabaiki Hatutishwi)
Time will heal our scars
Come back stronger than we were
(Usife moyo tabasamu we)


We are beautiful
We are exceptional
We are wonderful
Look how we’ve come


We are one
(We are one, we are one)
Tuko Pamoja
(We are one, we are one)
We are one

Bridge: (x4)



We are one
(We are one, we are one)
Tuko Pamoja
(We are one, we are one)
We are one

We are one, we are one, we are one

Talib Kweli Feat. The Underachievers – New Leaders lyrics


Talib Kweli Feat. The Underachievers – New Leaders lyrics

[Verse 1: Talib Kweli]
Welcome to the new age, where they’re thirsty for that Kool-Aid
Thirsty for first in that page, really thirsty just to be fake
Be the first to hate what you say, tryna diss you calling you “gay”
Such an urgency to express himself but really nothing to say
Don’t fuck with us too tough, get high [?] do drugs
Like spit me out I’m chewed up [?]
I know you up in this club, I know you don’t give a fuck
You told me what you don’t like, you made that clear, now what do you love?
It’s gotta be more so is the life of the rich some people gotta be poor
I’ve been through a door, I will not sell you a dream that’s what the lottery for
The music is clay, I shaped it, I molded it
Like it was pottery or the mouth with the law
Twist it like Robert Duvall [?]
Free like the diamond you found on the floor
Enough about y’all, now back to me
Ain’t no academic leave, I’m not faculty
These new slaves ain’t ready for my masterpiece
So when they hear me rap it’s catastrophe
Cause a casualty so casually
They mistake what I do for having beef
I don’t actually wish anybody harm
Now stretch your arms and clap for me

[Hook x2: Talib Kweli]
Wake up, cause no you’re not dreaming
Catch up with us, cause we leaving
Got enough, followers
I’m lookin’ for some new leaders
I’m lookin’ for some new leaders
I’m lookin’ for some new leaders
Got enough, followers
I’m lookin’ for some new leaders

[Verse 2: AK]
Ever since the day I was born, that [?] the day I was chosen
To rise above them all and be a leader
Im like Malcolm X when on the podium
Martin Luther with a dream
Through the money and the fame ain’t shit gonn’ change for the light we adjust
Do it for the children without a ceiling to live up under
Times getting hard that’s why my niggas smoke that tropic thunder
If all our people spreaded love instead of evil
We would prosper our conscious to a level with no equal lethal
Stay true i gave you my oath
What would the ancient god my nigga [?]
Through all the book and the [?] i was taught
I look at myself and pretend to learn the most
Our leaders dead and gone whats left for the believers
If you looking for the truth, one word, Underachievers nigga

[Hook x2: Talib Kweli]

[Verse : Issa Gold]
As I change the so called predestined course of my life
Advance my shit so now I travel at the speed of light
Moving these intricate insecurities out of sight
Moving myself onward from the darkness into the light
I take flight, its goodbye to all the negativity
That plague millions of young innocent souls like me
Gave me the genius mindstate necessary

Johnny Bro – Take On A Bullet lyrics


Johnny Bro – Take On A Bullet lyrics


This song right here
Is to be dedicated to that special person in your life.
The one you would do anything for.
The one you would die for.
Yeah! Johnny Bro!

Verse 1-

For your love i would take on a bullet
With no hesitation no matter the shooter
Russian roulette face to face with a ruger
That kinda love can’t be measured by ruler
Nothing can compare
To something that’s so rare
When I cherish someone I’ll be so sincere
When I say pull the trigger cause I am not scared
Baby I would die for you just because I care
All my past relationships were lessons
Since I found you I’m no longer stressing
Cause the true love we share has been destined
Every moment together’s a blessing
I promise that I will defend it whatever the cost
Without you in my life I’d prolly be lost
Forever & always you’ll be in my heart
I pray that we last until death do us part
Ready to fire all guns aimed at us
United we stand within God we will trust
An eternity will never be enough
If they think I’ma duck then I’m calling they bluff
Cause some take for granted and don’t understand it
What they have been handed until it is gone
But I’m that romantic that’s never in panic
Whenever I’m standing in front of that gun.


I would take on a bullet (pull it pull it)
(3x)For your love (pull it pull it)
I would take on a bullet (pull it pull it)
(2x)For your love (pull it pull it)
So tell them pull the trigger.

Verse 2-

Baby girl you will always have my heart
Knew that it was true love that we had from the start
Like siamese twins we can never be apart
You brought me to the light when my world seemed dark
Forever and eternity
You’ve always been a friend of me
And freed me of serenity
Stood with me against enemies
When others pretended to be
You were my love energy
That brought me to reality
Without the pain and tragedy
You take me up girl higher than I ever been
Like an angel from above girl you’re heaven sent
Never let nobody come between us
Just me and the love of my life
Till the movie climax ending
You’re my one and only true L.O.V.E.
You’re the drug and I’m the addict bout to O.D.
Just give me little bit of time and you gon see
When I get famous we gon both be a celebrity
You can trust me You’re my wifey
See baby never ever will I let you go
Everyday my love for you grows
You are my one in a million
My everything and I just wanted you to know
Hold on tight don’t ever let go
Cause you the one that I’d give my life up for so.


I would take on a bullet (pull it pull it)
(3x)For your love (pull it pull it)
I would take on a bullet (pull it pull it)
(2x)For your love (pull it pull it)
So tell them pull the trigger……..


Are you ready……
Take your aim…….
And fire at my heart,,,,,,,,,,,,,


I would take on a bullet (pull it pull it)
(3x)For your love (pull it pull it)
I would take on a bullet (pull it pull it)
(2x)For your love (pull it pull it)
So tell them pull the trigger……..

For your love(x3)
Take abullet take a bullet for you baby
Take a bullet baby take a bullet baby
Take a bullet for your love…………….
Take a bullet for your love……………
Please pull the trigger for your love………………..
Please pull the trigger for your love baby
For your love baby
For your love baby
I’ll take a bullet for YOU!!!!

Ill Mind – Dear Mama lyrics


Ill Mind – Dear Mama lyrics

Verse 1:
Dear mama, you’re the reason that I’m rapping in the first place
The reason I feel glad on my worst days,
I’ll probably never love a woman more than I could love my mother
Faye Morales, I swear to God I’ll put no one above her
The reason I had food, my own damn room
A voice to speak out and make my own damn tunes
I know we have our bad days but we know that everything will just swirl
And I mean it, I love you more than anything in the world.
Cause mama, you gave up everything so I could become anything
I know I can’t make it out, but one day I’m gonna make you proud
I’m always acting tough, I know sometimes we had it rough
But rich or poor, see always for our family we had enough
One of my inspirations, there’s just no imitations
You taught me life was real, showed me all it’s limitations
I’m realizing no one’s stronger than you
So I’m here that’s why I made another song, just for you

Sunshine or rain, I’ll be there
Whether good times or bad, I’ll be there

Verse 2:
Dear mama you’re the reason that I’m breathing, the only way that I could weaken
See without you think my heart would just stop beating, I’m preaching
Taught me the meaning of mother and until death sends
a note to us both I’ll keep thinking that mom means bestfriend
You’re like my homie, the only that truly knows me
No second takes and so I learn from your mistakes
And through the worst of all your days I know I’m only living half your life
Sorry I’m ignorant, I know how much you sacrificed
I know how much you gave up, just know that you’re important
The jobs you had to work just so I could walk in my jordans
I was a big meal kid, the kid who’s just too real kid
I hope you know I’m grateful for all that you had to deal with
Know we had our differences, sometimes I act rude
Sometimes I come home after school in a bad mood
But honestly there probably become fear if we apart
Just know that you’re the only woman dearest to my heart

YTitty VS Die Lochis – YouTube Xmas Song lyrics


YTitty VS Die Lochis – YouTube Xmas Song lyrics

Endlich ist Weihnacht
und was ging denn so?
ein Jahr ist vorüber
egal und yolo

und endlich ist Weihnacht
es wird bestimmt tight
für Opfer und Lamer
haben wir keine Zeit

Wir wünschen frohe Weihnacht
Tausend Abo´s dazu.
Die Welt die wird besser,
fernsehn ist tabu

Und endlich ist Weihnacht!
Auch hier im Netz.
Für die Bro´s und Chikas
Netzwerken wir jetzt

Und endlich ist Weihnacht
für groß und für klein
für die Liker und Hater
klickt euch alle rein

Wir wünschen frohe Weihnacht
Tausend Abo´s dazu
Die Welt die wird besser
Fernsehn ist tabu

Endlich ist Weihnacht
und was ging denn so?
ein Jahr vorüber
egal und yolo

und endlich ist Weihnacht
es wird bestimmt tight
für Opfer und lamer
ham wir keine Zeit

Wir wünschen frohe Weihnacht
tausend Abo´s dazu
Die Welt die wird besser
Fernsehn ist tabu

Youtube Deutschland,
besser Fernsehn,

Young Bishop – I Do It For The Bay lyrics


Young Bishop – I Do It For The Bay lyrics

Chorus (x2)
I do it for the Bay, Young Bishop on the mic,
And I’m sippin Roseau,
I do it for the Bay, Young Bishop RUN the mic,
Northbound on the freeway

Verse 1
Cuz I’m back again, ready to attack again,
Im in dat black Cadillac, with the rack in hand,
And I’m never going to stop you better understand,
Im the man with the plan, never over ran,
Better take a stand, before I throw in the dice
And put a price on your life, cuz its time to think twice,
Are you naughty or nice, you pick the gun or the knife,
Like noodles or rice, you picking rats over mice,
So Imma keep preaching until my last breath,
And Imma keep reaching until my last step,
Last rest, last stress, no more time for chess,
Cuz underneath the chest, is where you find the stress,
(Break) Take a guess, no more mess, cuz I’m finished here,
I never tint my fear, never ever shed a tear,
Resolutions every day, is what you’ll find this year,
Leading off the pier, while I’m quickly switching gears,
But leading can lead to a coffin,
Often live life in exhaustion, sold at an auction,
Keep walking,
But proceed with cation, cuz I’m stalking,
But leading can lead to a coffin,
Just keep walking

Chorus (x2)
I do it for the Bay, Young Bishop on the mic,
And I’m sippin Roseau,
I do it for the Bay, Young Bishop RUN the mic,
Northbound on the freeway

Verse 2
On the freeway, leaving no leeway,
Never gave a fuck about that he say, she say,
Speaking on three way, Leading on prepay,
My life is a speedway, over time on weekdays,
Keep it on replay, when I’m in your mind,
Stop the screenplay, never write a line,
And Im spittin it foul, cuz its off the mind,
They say an eye for an eye,
Leaves the whole world blind,
In time what we find
Is we living life colorblind,
Students become the mastermind,
Time to shine, grow a spine,
Combine the match with that turpentine,
And remember what it WAS AS it burns inside,
Its time to fly, so stand up and spread your wings,
Truth be told, its unknown what the future brings,
All i know is its over when the lady sings,
Thats not enough i want to hear that fat bitch scream,
Missing out when I’m in my dreams,
Catch me on the scene,
Like a fiend, In a limousine,
Addicting like that nicotine,
Never stop cuz my intentions are clear,
To the top, with misconceptions of fear,
My inhibitions to cheer, and I’m leading you here,

Chorus (x2)
I do it for the Bay, Young Bishop on the mic,
And I’m sippin Roseau,
I do it for the Bay, Young Bishop RUN the mic,
Northbound on the freeway

Verse 3
Its time to smash out, dash out,
Cash out, from the block to the top,
With that fast rout,
For the guap, i represent,
Sem city in the streets they call me president,
Heaven sent, is what the telling me,
Im in the court with the judge facing felonies,
But what better be, the better of me,
When you see me in the Bay, counting my G’s,
Accounting for fiends,
While you doubting my dreams, but who really knew,
That my dreams would come true,
I’m paying my dues, i’m playing with tools,
I’m saying the rules, I’m raising the news,
Its what i do every day,
For the Bay is where i lay, x2
(pause) So I’m holding it down,
Welcome to the Town, where my people,
Wear the crown,
And what i haven’t seem to found, is the key to my sound,
Account for the clowns, that be feeling me now, x2
(pause)And I’m vicious, with the ambition,
Never stray from the mission,
I need to find wisdom, to take the game over,
Chillin in a Rover, its motor, is roarin,
Or like a bird I’m soaring,
Keep scoring, You boring,
I can’t wait to be touring,
Stop snoring, if you sleeping on me,
Cuz i be REAPING the SHEETS,
And BE leading the STreesTs,
IN THE season of HEAT,
Because the KINGS need to eat,
And the FIENDS NEVER sleep,
Give the doggy his treat,
WATCH him jump to his feet,
Or maybe rush to his seat,
Because he’s claiming defeat,
But defeat is not an option,
Keep walking with cation,
When you in Oakland,
The victim of yoking,
Side showin, no joking,
We tokin, thats smokin,
The game seems to be broken,
But i can make repairs,
Even when I’m OUT, when you need me
Put a blunt in the air, for my niggaz that are gone,
Big Larry he there, i know he slappin my song,
And I’m getting it on, Cuz the BAY IS MY THROWN…!!

Chorus (x3)
I do it for the Bay, Young Bishop on the mic,
And I’m sippin Roseau,
I do it for the Bay, Young Bishop RUN the mic,
Northbound on the freeway

Nejla Yesilim – Koma ciya Elife lyrics


Nejla Yesilim – Koma ciya Elife lyrics

Derê Elîfê lê lê
Derê delalê lê
Derê Elîfê lê lê
Qîza çarekiyan lê

Singê Elîfa’m lê lê
Berfa Bezarê lê
Singê delala’m lê lê
Berfa Bezarê lê

Te ez kuştim lê lê, b’çav û biriyan lê

Derê Elîfê lê lê
Derê delalê lê
Derê Elîfê lê lê
Qîza çarekiyan lê

R. Kelly – Legs Shakin


R. Kelly – Legs Shakin

(feat. Ludacris)

Imma Make Your Legs Shake
Tonight’ll be different from any other night
Imma Make Your Leg Imma
Imma Make Your Legs Shake
Tonight I wanna hear you screamin’ ooohhh
Leg Shake
Imma Make Your Legs Shake
And I’m gonna give you the reasons why
Imma Make Your Leg Imma
Imma Make Your Legs Shake
Baby baby baby baby

I’m goin’ down down down
And do it ‘til your legs’ shakin’
Do it ‘til your legs’ shakin’
Do it ‘til your leg
I’m going down down down
And Do it ‘til your legs’ shakin’
Do it ‘til your legs’ shakin’
Do it ‘til your leg

[Verse 1:]
Dead in the middle of the club
I spotted at her
Shorty’s so tough
I think I’m in love
Imagination goin’ crazy
Think I wanna make her my lady
And the way that she get so freaky
I just wanna give her a baby
And then I’m gonna get her wide open
Give her what she been missin’ and feelin’
Lick it ‘til she’s shiverin’ oooh
And then I’m gonna look her in her eyes and tell her
I love her…


[Verse 2:]
Ain’t nothing gonna interrupt this mood we’re in
They can call all they want they can knock all they want
But they won’t get in No
Not tonight
Cause I’m about to make my mark on you girl
You are my world
My piece of paradise
If you let me do
Let me do
What I want to you
Girl I promise through this whole night I’ll be kissin’ you
Until your body cums
Until we see the sun
Send you into to shock girl once I touch you with my Taser tongue
And then I just wanna get her wide open
Give her what she been missin’ and feelin’
Lick it ‘til she’s shiverin’ oooh
And then I’m gonna look her in her eyes and tell her
I love her…


[Verse 3 – Ludacris:]
Ha ha
Wait for it wait for it
Let me tell you what I’mma do right quick
(Whatchu gon’ do)
Imma start from the
Forehead to lips to the neck to the chest
Flip her over then I’m kissin’ down her backside
Flip her over again I’m ready to go for a swim
Imma make her body tremble if she act right
Make her as woozy as woozy get
Feelin’ like we on a movie set
Can you feel the vibrations?
My tongue just like a Jacuzzi jet
I put your man to shame wit it
I don’t play no games wit it
Imma have you grippin’ the seats screamin’
When I write your name wit it
First last middle
And my tongue just likes to scribble
Morning, noon, and night
I gotta have it
I’m a dog eat it up like bits and kibbles
Make me dribble like cp3
But I rep that DTP
So if you gimme that
I’ma give you that
One leg up over my shoulder
Let me be your remote controller
Let me try to keep my composure
So many different ways that I can fold ya
Oh yea I go to town Girl
You should keep me around (oohhh)
Cause every night I’m goin’

I’m going down down down (baby)
And do it ‘til your legs’ shakin’
Do it ‘til your legs’ shakin’
Do it ‘til your leg
I’m going down down down
And do it ‘til your legs’ shakin’ (Oh baby ya)
Do it ‘til your legs’ shakin’
Do it ‘til your leg
Then I’m gonna make her shake…
(Uh yea)
I’m gonna make you shake girl
(Your legs’ shakin’ baby)
(All night)
Open up and shake it baby
Shakin’ Girl

So uh
Whatchu think about that?
Yea I thought you would
No I like it to it’s cool

Annely Cole – Destination unknown, lyrics


Annely Cole – Destination unknown, lyrics

She can’t deny wherever she’ll try
You’ll be right by her side
She’ll make you know wherever you go

You’re on your way to a destination unknown
You’re on your way to a destination unknown
And now you’re breathless

You’re on your way to a destination unknown
You’re on your way to a destination unknown

She can’t deny wherever she’ll try
You’ll be right by her side
She’ll make you know wherever you go

You’ve never know if you should go
You’re always in her soul
You’ve never know so please don’t you go

You’re on your way to a destination unknown
You’re on your way to a destination unknown
And now you’re breathless

Destination unknown
Destination unknown
Destination unknown

Sabina Babayeva – When the music dies, lyrics


Sabina Babayeva – When the music dies, lyrics

You, you were my best friend
You were my everything
So don’t leave me now

You, you were the best of me
The reason that I believe
So don’t leave me now

And I, tried to keep us alive
But you were cold, cold, cold
Now every second that my heart skips it ends
But I, still wanna keep us alive
But it’s cold, cold, cold, cold

When the music dies
It’s all black and white
And there’s no sunrise
When the music dies

Now you, you can’t even look at me
You say you’re not gonna speak to me
Oh, oh, oh, oh

And I, tried to keep us alive
But you were cold, cold, cold
Now every second that my heart skips it ends
But I, tried to keep us alive
But it’s cold, cold, cold, cold

When the music dies
It get’s cold when there’s no sunrise
So cold, now every second that my heart skips it ends

I tried to keep us alive
Oh but you were cold, cold, so cold
Now every second, my heart beat ends
But I, tried to keep us alive
But you were cold, cold, cold
When the music dies

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