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Halfy – Photos


Halfy – Photos

(Verse 1)
I was looking the photos of the only trip we took,
I sat there and thought to myself , that maybe I should take a look at my life,
And try to find direction.
See if I can push myself to strive to try and find perfection,
I try to find my way, travel down the right path,
But it always leads me to another motherfucking gash,
across my heart,
and I can feel the pain,
Slowly creeping to the surface to drive me insane,
I start to see it now the pain in my lyrics,
Now if only someone cared enough to really try to hear this,
A fantasy ill probably never get to chase,
The speed of life is finally gonna pick up a faster pace,
And now I,
Lie here in my bed, thinking about the past, thinking about the future and how I could make it last,
Then the truth starts to show its true form,
Sadly truth and lies used to share the same college dorm,
So close
(Verse 2)
now we begin with a journey to the mind,
of another kid who feels left behind,
not me, I was too lucky when I saw the light,
but it’s always seemed to be two colors only black or white,
nothing in the middle, nothing to the side,
just waiting for the one I love to finally arrive,
yes we sit here, just waiting on the terrace,
wondering how loud to shout for someone to finally hear us,
yelled until our throats just couldn’t make a sound,
then I looked at you, the only one around,
it’s scary huh? starting to fall in love,
they say I’m 15 so I should probably begin to shut up,
I never said I understood, that’s really great,
I’ve founded the easiest route to start to navigate,
it’s full of lonely nights, but I’ll survive,
and I’ll act like it’s easy for me to say goodbye

Jay Kila – Freedom


Jay Kila – Freedom

[Verse 1]
Just a youth on the pursuit of happiness
Looking kinda fly in a suit from Saks on Fifth
Crookening my tie cuz i’m super dap ya bitch
Book ends keep my hands from slappin’ kids
Back on the list of them capitalists
I’m taken’ donations who’s matchin’ wits
Slashing’ wrists of them fascist pigs
I’m a fashionista – you can ask the kicks
Free to do whatever freedom does
That’s three for you but it be free for us
Got a 3D TV yea i’m kinda needy
CC my CV to send to VCs
I buy the cheap tees and the deep Vs
Beep beep honk honk in my jeep jeep
Keeping up for the state of the keepsake
Leave enough on the plate for all the cheapskates
We take what we want we gon take what we need
Gimme a bottle of water and that air you breathe
Free lunch on me I’m a freedom fighter
Economically so best believe the price up
Freedom comes with other freedom costs
So feel free to flee if you feeling lost
I been feeling fine reeling in my lines
Fish caught in the net of debt stealin’ crimes
I’m chillin’ slime what the fuck you doin’?
Dealing dimes that’s up you screwing
Booing me cuz i’m free-er than freemasons
All this freewill and we still freebasing

2 black gadgets in her hand
All she thinks about
No responsibility no guilt no morals cloud her judgment
Smile on her face she does what she damn well please

[Verse 2]
Do what I want but I don’t want what I do
It’s new Roman times the font is size two
I’m a kamikaze Ashkenazi pilot
Flying into jappy girls at Saks who buying shit
Iron fist when I be ironin’ clothes
Why you lyin’ kid where you hidden those?
Dysentery disguised as distinguished guys
No surprise I surmise they ain’t circumcised
Who’s working lines on the circus dime
These jerks prefer perks to they perfect lives
I be cursing fine submersed in wine
Drinking myself to death just to death defy
F F you sly go n guess who’s high
A mess inside but you can bet the dress is fly
No question why I been stressing sigh
Estranged from the blessings that stress provides
I been testing fine on these standardized tests
Freedom provides whatever freedom gets
So are you free to do whatever freedom does?
I been seein’ the view but peein’ in cups
Is being enough really needing a judge
Or is conceding to suck just leading the sludge
I keep feeding the ducks some bread n bread crumbs
Heading to the ledge to hedge the hedge funds
My bet is wrecked so just lemme take yours
I’m better at sex in a sweater of course
Acetaminophen relieve the pain in my head
Cuz freedom only lives when freedoms dead

InÍ – Už si preč


InÍ – Už si preč

Človek, ktorý len v lásku najviac verí,
tak pre ňu bohužiaľ aj najviac trpí.
Preto sa pýtam, môžem ešte veriť?
Mám rany, čo sa nemôžu zaceliť.

Nádherný vzťah na začiatku plný lásky,
časom pripomínal kus obohratej pásky.
Dôvera opadla ako lístie zo stromu,
no my hlúpi dávali sme stále nádej tomu.
Stratený vzťah bez významu a hodnoty,
nijaká podpora a odlišné prijority
Ostali nám len zlomené srdcia,
tisíce spomienok, ktoré nás dusia.
Spravili sme chyby a to obaja,
našťastie už viem, že nebola si pravá.
Obávam sa nedôvery k mojim novým vzťahom,
že to zase skĺzne tým istým pádom.
Neznesiem, aby ma niekto podvádzal,
Za všetko zlé na mňa vždy vinu hádzal.
Stále ešte verím a neprestajne bádam.
Od Teba láska tak veľa nežiadam.
Márne však hľadám úprimnosť a vernosť.
No teraz vravím stačilo, už dosť.
Rozum sa bojí, no srdce nie je slepé,
verím, že opäť to môže byť pekné.

Človek, ktorý len v lásku najviac verí,
tak pre ňu bohužiaľ aj najviac trpí.
Preto sa pýtam, môžem ešte veriť?
Mám rany, čo sa nemôžu zaceliť.

Bol som sám a zrazu prišla ona.
Usmiala sa a ja som neodolal.
Bola si anjel, ktorý na mňa zvolal.
Prvý bozk, do neba som sa dostal.
Peklo v posteli, keď som ťa pomiloval,
dokonalosti, tej som to pripisoval.
Krásna chvíľa, nechcem už viac,
teraz som opäť sám, mal som chcieť čas.
No nikdy by som nemyslel, že to len tak skončí.
Boli sme deti lásky, teraz sme jej otroci.
Odišiel som, ale nebola to moja vina.
Počkáš na mňa, veď je to chvíľka a budeš silná.
No nahradiť ma iným, to ale nemalo prísť,
veď vravela si, nemôžem bez teba žiť.
Nočné mory ma prenasledujú, chcú ma zabiť.
Zbláznim sa! Neostáva nič, len to zapiť.
Ako môže niekto jeden deň ľúbiť
a na druhý všetko len tak zahubiť.
Ale vzťah bez týchto rečí to by nebola láska,
lenže teraz tvoje slová vyznejú ako klamstvá!

Človek, ktorý len v lásku najviac verí,
tak pre ňu bohužiaľ aj najviac trpí.
Preto sa pýtam, môžem ešte veriť?
Mám rany, čo sa nemôžu zaceliť.

Pýtam sa, má ten život vôbec zmysel?
Mal som všetko, vždy som si myslel.
No teraz sedím v izbe a nie som sám,
anjela a démona za sebou mám.
Prežil som príbeh, ktorý je plný spomienok.
Dokonalý vzťah, čo nebol len navonok.
Myslíš ten príbeh, čo ti nedáva spávať
a ten vzťah, v ktorom si sa nechal ovládať?
Áno, veď nebolo to až tak hrozné.
Žena, ktorú ľúbil som, stála pri mne
Myslíš tú ženu, čo chodila s tebou
a podvádzala ťa, vždy keď si s ňou nebol?!
Nie, prestaň, veď už je to celé za mnou.
Nebudem to viac riešiť, žijem už s inou.
Všetky vzťahy začínajú a raz majú koniec.
A tak isto aj nášmu odbil už zvonec.

Baiyu – Surrender


Baiyu – Surrender

Back to the basics
Wash away all that was
And all that is
It’s amazing
When you just live in the moment
Breathe in

Your kisses are golden
Your heart is in bloom
My thoughts have been stolen
By the likes of you
To think I was famished
To think that I’m whole
To find that my everything
Is everything and more

Oh surrender
Oh surrender to love (x4)

When I am with you fear just melts away
Leaving me warm in the palm of your hands
No one and nothing can keep us apart
Even when we turn into sand



When fate and passion collide
There’s only one path for destiny
One rule of chemistry
When things are bound to ignite
Why would we toy with what’s written
Let’s nourish the sacred

Ace Uy – Well Be Alright


Ace Uy – Well Be Alright

Verse 1:
It’s a cold day in the winter
And I’m dreaming ’bout my other half
Far away across the world
Is she safely wrapped around…(?)

Board a plane, I got to go
I’ll say goodbye for a new hello

And oh, we’ll be alright

Verse 2:
And if you’ll ever see her
Tell her I’ll be right over here
Softly singing this melody
Just waiting now, please come to me

Cho 2:
It’s gonna take some time
And I know, I know, it will
It’s gonna take some time,
I know, I know, I will

Epoch – Cu ochi goi


Epoch – Cu ochi goi

Nu vezi bine, o sa se dezbine destine,
In rest retine ca restul nu ne sustine,
Eh, suspine, asta lipsea, eh, in fine,
Aveti idei meschine, eu plec, nu-mi convine

Placerea lor, da-s controlati ca de dirijor
Indreptati spre moarte ca predecesorii lor
Dati prada corbilor, orbilor, ca fug de ciorditori
Ca dracu’ de tamaie, ma pis pe ei fiori

M-astept la ce-i mai rau ca premiera de film
Si daca nu murim, in ce vagauna o sa fim ?
Zgarii peretii, parca am ghiare de adamantiu
Suportand nopti prea lungi ca Nimeni Altu’

Trag ca turbatu, ciudatu’ devine retardat
Tu habar n-ai ce-i suferinta, esti protejat
De cei din jur, te doare-n cur, is resemnat
Cu ce am, ce-am pierdut si ce mi-a fost luat

[Refren] x2
Cu ochi goi, tot ce a fost, acum e pierdut,
Indreptat spre inceput, am uitat de trecut
Ce-a fost rau a trecut, dar inca sunt pierdut
Intr-o lume de roboti, de la drum abatut.

Va credeti in inima strazii ca protestantii
Haliti aberatii si-o faceti pe interesantii
Va mananca de vii sistemul si nu dupa gratii
Fratii nu platesc ingraţii să le intre-n graţii

Imi critici rapu’ ca nu-ti invadeaza capu’
Ca atunci cand se foloseste pe mase HAARP-u’
Crezi ca esti critic bun, parc-ai fi beta tester
Hai sa-ti dau V si sa descriu tinta ca Lester

Lux de amanunte, ai norocul scris pe frunte
Dar nu iti este scris tie sa muti niciun munte
Ai falsi prieteni care doresc sa te infrunte,
Nimic n-o sa se schimbe, tu cum vei raspunde ?

Ei iti dau o solutie, doar ca iese din discutie
Neoficial ca victimele pe timp de revolutie
Omul nu mai duce acel proces de evolutie
Ca de la tehnologie totul pare o iluzie.

Jean Grae – Iwantewebackthe4ewesong


Jean Grae – Iwantewebackthe4ewesong

So dear, so me, so evil you
So we are so through
There’s no need, it’s over, me and you

I want you back
Sometimes I do
I want you, I need you back
I want you, boo
I want you back
I want you, boo
Though we ain’t loving, we ain’t fucking, we ain’t through
I want you back
I want you back
Oh oh oh oh oh
I want you back

[Verse 1]
Sometimes I want you back just to adore you
But mostly I just want to destroy you
Store you, and call you Murphy as a nickname
Wipe the floor with you, you’re addicting, dick thing
Insane to explain, I know it might sound callous
Careless, sadist, I’m a damn lady
My fair Jeanie ran on planes in Spain daily
Clearly, I’m fairly well-versed in fuckery
I should fuck you up for breaking up with me
Stain your frame of painted veins I bust with cutlery
It’s such a shame that you think you’re an accessory
You’re so fucking pedestrian, especially when you’re next to me
Excuse me, sounding too imposing?
Fuck it, I’m first class — I never said I was into coaching
You should listen closely, thinking the song’s about you
It is — you, him, him, and him mostly
Don’t choose bad; at times, my choices do betray me
Belaboring the point, yeah, maybe I’m sort of faded
“I’ll maybe call you later, baby”; Lord, you’re hated
But Lord, of course I’m motivated, low-key hatred
Sleeping neighbors choose euthanasia
Stay together, trooping through the universe forever
I’d rather not be two sedated dapper cadavers
I’d rather feel the pain and tell you never feel embarrassed
It ain’t baggage — I claim baggage like a name tag
It ain’t marriage if the gain came through the same fabric
Insane to remain average, I can’t have it
My main habit’s to change, it creates havoc
You can’t fathom a love/hate relation? Well
Yes you can, guess again — you’ve been aceing them
Replacing them with lying to yourself or fifty pacing them like
“Let’s get through it, baby”
And maybe I’m crazy then for being blunt
I know what I deserve, know what I want
I know that we could never really be a pair
I know that sometimes I still want you there
I might not like you, our connection’s rare
I might just spite you, you’re never there
I like revenge, I love love
I’m still evolving, that’s some shit that Jean is not above

Darkness Bright – Take It From Here


Darkness Bright – Take It From Here

You, can make the days seem light
And make the darkness bright
That’s what you do

[Verse 1]: Alex-Ander
I never had anyone, everyone abandoned me
And when I say ‘everyone’, I mean even my family
Gave me up, like I was a dog going to the pound
Just a piece a paper, a pen, and a little bit of sound

That’s it, so I’d sit there and I’d write
That’s what they didn’t like, but that’s just life, right?
So I’d fight, fight because this is what I live for
I didn’t give one, so they say I should give shits more

But I didn’t, just too damn defiant
Thankfully I had music to keep me silent
My head, inside it, I was violent
That’s why I didn’t speak it, just always kept quiet

The gist of it, music is my saviour
No god or king can do me this kind of favour
And the few people who supported me, I’ll pay you back later
I love you, hip hop, you too, pen and paper

You, can make the days seem light
And make the darkness bright
That’s what you do

[Verse 2]: A-Jayy
See I never had anyone to look up to
I never met anyone that understood me, too
I’ve seen love once, but never last, now it’s in the past
Life, I can never grasp, watch it fall like an ash

Off the zag I be smoking, man, I be floating
Word’s been spoken, but I guess it’s not real potion
Now I swim with the snakes, with the snakes
In the middle of the ocean

Mind’s left to write, gotta make the dark bright
But it’s hard when you roll in through the night, out of sight
See, all I got is this with a paper and a pen
I wanna make my vision real, but how will it, when?

I don’t know, I don’t know if I can make it with this
All I know is I love it, so I work on a blitz
Trying to make the days seem bright, trying make the dark light
Yeah, man, just for the night, like

You, can make the days seem light
And make the darkness bright
That’s what you do (x2)

Rockincaligurl – Im In Love With a Fictional Character


Rockincaligurl – Im In Love With a Fictional Character

You’re my best friend
and i thought that i should tell you
that i have met someone
and this love is really true
but i’m scared you won’t accept it
this love that we share
it might seem odd to you
but for me its as natural as breathing air
i’m in love with a fictional character
it was bound to happen someday
they were so captivating and wonderful
that i just couldn’t stay away
Now you might want to try to understand
that i will love this person even if we cant hold hands
and i know that they’re not real but they’re real to me
and once you accept my love for them, only then will you see
And if by chance, you cant accept it
i guess theres justone thing
i regret to inform you that
you’re not invited to the wedding

Drew Emgy – Mille Trick


Drew Emgy – Mille Trick

Confesso col testo e contesto con questo con esso col nesso connesso col resto concesso da testi che peschi da resti non freschi l’incontro e racconto reati commessi compressi compresi tra essi riferimenti palesi che stesi per mesi su fogli resi più scuri compongono suoni oscuri che curi torturi la mente per niente perchè gente semplicemente rimo con un intelletto altamente contorto e compongo come col pongo opere d’arte snobbate da te parlo corretto costretto a farlo diretto rifletto e vado di petto la faccia ci metto la traccia lo ammetto che straccia ogni tuo fallimento no che non mento di quello che ho detto non me ne pento visto che sento molte cazzate come se fossi in parlamento fanculo la scena zero promossi ascolti stronzate a pagamento io caccio mazzate con sentimento critichi me e poi se ti sento?

Rit(x2): Penso dando un senso immenso a quel che ho messo su sto beat qui mille trick da back flip mille trip da play list
Perso stando adesso immerso nei pensieri miei ascolto mille tape solo fake ora prova a farlo cosi ok?!

Milito con spirito critico in bilico tra ragione e non niente di biblico mimico mitico mistico mastico liquido pratico un drastico Rap carico col manico in mano piano io non vado caro perchè non ho tempo da perdere chiaro? scarico panico sadico neuroni sani con molte mie manie solo te pensi che siano malattie sulla base io mi spoglio non mi vergogno come le Femen quando il mio oro nero tocca il foglio esplode come nel Quebec ma il problema è che questa scena è un pentagramma senza Re manca una nota e stona tutto quanto il Rap quindi passa il micro che trasformo in macro quel che ho visto misto al rischio di sbagliare le tue critiche riesco a sbaragliare

J.Reyez – Me & My People


J.Reyez – Me & My People

(verse 1)
Let me tell y’all what MAK3R$ is, we ain’t a group but we’re better than
these rap crews, ain’t it a bitch, we killin’ y’all, no threat in it
we reppin’ with all the people that make it happen, paid dues
no ignorance, we all equal, respect the things that made you
I’m all in, no half ass, ’cause I’m trying to be more excellent
that girl there, she a bad ass and she over here, she represent
no fake friends but sometimes it’s hard to tell who’s genuine
y’all fraudulent, trying to take me down and take my money, embezzlin’
been on my grizzy, put on for the city, “Gimme The Loot” like it was no “Biggie”
I’m getting jiggy, the music’s what I live, repping the MAK3R$, I’m moving with the clique
when I spit it I’m too sick with this shit, mothafucka I threw up with a hit
dropping it like its hot, Snoop know what it is

I dedicate this for my people, surrounded by the greatest
for everything we’ve been through and we know we’re gon’ make it
the suckas gon’ hate it, they gon’ have to face it
we rising to the top and we know we’re gon’ make it
me and my people, we don’t worry ’bout the other shit
me and my people, we don’t worry ’bout the other shit
me and my people, we don’t worry ’bout the other shit
surrounded by the greatest and we’re moving like a covenant

(verse 2)
I’m killin’ this shit rest in peace to the beat, we all gotta hustle and eat on the streets
there used to be moments when I’m feeling bleak but now I’m just winning, increasing the streak
changing the flow up and learning techniques and working the sound, I keep it unique
no need to critique, didn’t ask you to speak, not close to my peak and I’m making some tweaks
I’m making some Changes, Pac influence me
you wannabe famous, stop the foolery
I was intrigued, hip hop and jewelry, as you can see what hip hop would do to me
living my life, it all just drew to me, picked up a mic and murdered the music scene
ranks, I’m trying to be above the list
I came up from those days when Jin battlin’ on 106
thanks, to all the fuck haters that doubted me
and look ma I’m in Europe, I hope y’all are proud of me

Melaku Assegued – Rewind


Melaku Assegued – Rewind

Yesterday may be glorified
But sometimes I wish I could
Go back in time
Although I’m young I feel time’s
Running out
I haven’t done what I though about
I sit in silence for much too long
Wondering exactly
What is wrong
Life has so easily passed me by
Sometimes I want to rewind

The clock hands move way too fast
In the race I am last
It’s cliché but time does fly sometimes
I’m left behind (Yea)
I want to do so much at once
Nothing ends up getting done
It’s too bad that I can’t seem to find
The button that says rewind, rewind, rewind
It’s too bad that I can’t seem to find
The button that says rewind
I don’t believe I’ve danced enough
Don’t have as many friends as I want to
I haven’t had as many girls
As people say I should have gone through
I don’t blame the clock for ticking
I just think that I could have sped ahead
Far in front of the pack I’m leading
I can only wish I had done it then…


I never thought time could fly, pass me by
I never thought time could fly, got to rewind…

MC Feget – Toxsick


MC Feget – Toxsick

Mc Feget ne razume kvantne fizike,
njega zaj zanima samo kak skup lima rizle se.
Delau neki biznis je, hteu repat je za kritike,
a skužu da se splača med politike.
Hmm paleolitik je sindrom sodobne glasbe,
Gledam neke pol hrošče brez končane preobrazbe.
Predaj dokaze da si ti v resnici žrtev,
Si ko Rap: smrdiš na daleč, al pač mrtev.

Ležim pod trto drkam ga na tujo vrsto,
Sm hiphop hipohonder v sorodu z Jadran Krtom.
Obi-Wan Kenobi blodi po puščavi Gobi,
snobi nimajo za burek, pa se filajo z otrobi.
Kobe Bryant meče trice,
Mc Feget dribla snike, pa u finalu vedno fali zadnji zicer.
Odo resnice menjam za letalsko v Amsterdam,
sklato 3 sunite, ko zapelau bom na makadam.

Zemlja pade z orbite ko majk dobi v roke,
čisto vsaki vajenec ni mojster svoje stroke.
Le da odpre usta zmaga tut brez argumenta,
lahko kupiš producenta a nemoreš si talenta.
Se klanjajo bogovi, ko se šeta gor po cesti,
Ob prazni glavi bojo prazni tudi teksti.
Ko te dobi v battle te razsuje tak ko medved,
Res je lahko bit Mc, a še lažje je bit Feget.

On je Salvador Dali surrealistične komune,
itak on ne dela slabo, le noben ga ne razume.
Pune skune, ki jo peče ko kostanje,
gledau Rekvijem za sanje, pljuva parektalno sranje.
Plavau med piranhe, pa so skljuvale ga kanje,
Rad si kdaj poliže kurac tak ko Kanye.

Ko pes šari rad po starem dreku,
Amerika ga sanja, henga z Niggerji na cracku.
Dilau bi v peklu če bi dobo dober depozit,
vido je pol sveta, ampak gleda le na svojo rit.
Haa hud ko klopni meningitis,
požere vse na beatu pa ga jebe zaj kastritis.
Tak ko Sizif rinem skalo v hip hop hribih,
Tu ni vrha le prepadi, tolko o visokih ciljih.
V osmi milji me počasi stiska v pljučih,
Mc Feget če ne znaš se ne muči.

Zemlja pade z orbite ko majk dobi v roke,
čisto vsaki vajenec ni mojster svoje stroke.
Le da odpre usta zmaga tu brez argumenta,
lahko kupiš producenta a nemoreš si talenta.
Se klanjajo bogovi, ko se šeta gor po cesti,
Ob prazni glavi bojo prazni tudi teksti.
Ko te dobi v battle te razsuje tak ko medved,
Res je lahko bit Mc, a še lažje je bit Feget.

Deseto leto že čekiram kvaliteto,
pa večina za nagrado v glavo dobla bi mačeto.
Sami veterani, brez mladincev in kadetov,
lirikalni paraplegik, ker ne čutim več poetov.
Mc Feget pa ta vzame pol na piko,
on bi betlau cele dneve in te zmleu ko čičeriko.
S to razliko, da je hrana vsaj hranilna,
ker če rapaš v rokavicah bo tud muzika sterilna.

Nekrofilna čustva, če artist je že pokojen,
zgleda rabim metek v čelo, da boš mislo da sem dober.
Močni individum, ki pa vsem bi bil podoben,
odstopa od povprečja, ampak po večini v poden.
400 let pred vsemi on ga henga z roboti,
ni ču za črne luknje , ma pa flow kot Stephen Hawking.
Pouna hiša govna, ker ti foter je Bob Saget,
lepo prit je v zgodovino, kot največji Mc Feget.

The Box – Candice


The Box – Candice

I don’t own the rights to this instrumental.
Courtesy of XXYYXX.

[Verse 1]
I’m seating and I’m not,
Or I’m thinking that I’m not…
Hey-hey, you hot don’t let’em tell you you not
5-1-1 Fuck
Stars, shine, die, fact

Run it back, let it play (one time) let’s fuck for hours let’s not
I like you we should get married, have kids… Not
And I love you… Not, well I do but… Whatever
This kinda feeling don’t ever last forever

And we both know I can’t stand you, when I don’t love you
Live, love, leave, now
This moment is forever, and forever lasts an hour
And the time may be gone, but the memory is still ours

Leave, love, I kill you, now
This shit got me going… That sugar? Brown
And please come back tomorrow, tomorrow we’ll do shots
I like you, I want you, I’m lying… N ot.

[Hook + “Till The End Of Time” Sample ]
Mind blowing explosion
Emotions, actions
Smiles that can never be explained
Laughter that never makes sense,
Can you see it? Or am I the only one
I know you can see it, I can’t be the only one

To be hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh, hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh
To be hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh, hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh

[Verse 2]
My hands, your face, your eyes, life
Lights on, night off,
Cudi on, Brain off
Love kills slowly, knife

You high? Why you laughing? Fuck I’m trynna be deep
And I know you physically can’t but please, keep it quiet
Music, louder, God Mary you loud
I hope you proud of yourself, now all my neighbours can hear you shout

They gon’ call the cops on me, thinking I’m beating you up,
They don’t you hitting me hard, but it’s cool cuz you hit the spot

Pot, pot, all over my desk
Hot, hot, you all over my head
And they dancing and making these faces
Hostesses I don’t remember your names
It’s quite dangerous it’s only making me nervous
Hey Candice why the fuck all the candles?

What kinda party is that? Why y’all up in my room? How y’all fit in there?
And wassup with the eyes? All these crazy eyes… Who let you in here?
Who let you in here? Why am I talking to myself in here?
Cuz I’m alone in here… I can’t be the only one

To be hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh (can’t be the only one to be), hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh (don’t wanna be the only one to be)
To be hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh (only one in the room to be), hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh (only one in the room to see)

Mind blowing explosion
Emotions, actions
Smiles that can never be explained
Laughter that never makes sense,
Can you see it? Or am I the only one
I know you can see it, I can’t be the only one

L’ultimo Atto – Confession


L’ultimo Atto – Confession

Ah! chisto è l’Ultimo Atto e Face Your Enemy! Vulimm’ a verità in da stà storia zero alibi.
CBC e LUCANIA HARDCORE nun ci serv’ò fierrò. A’ voc’ nostà è a’ mej’ armà ppì vincèr stà guerrà.
Old man, gold’s breed your soul is lost, they cry my dust pray now, kneeling I feel your brain, you touch my pain father, my bad father fuck you, rape me father, my bad father fuck you, rape me save me from your actions kiss and suck for my salvation! father, my bad father fuck you, hate me father, my bad father fuck you, hate me It’ my destination warms my heart and teach me how to hate my salvation! RIT. Destroy your world I want to play my fucking war don’t pray, it’s fun the angels cry without the sun father, my bad father fuck you, hate me father, my bad father fuck you, hate me tell me you confession anything you say It’s a fucking redemption. Ata paga’ tutta chesta sofferenza! Nòn ci servè chill’ ì Dio comm sentenzà! Arapì l’uòcchi chistu nun è o’ bbene ma o’ malè. Allucà insieme a nuje contrò à sta settà criminàl’! RIT. Destroy your world I want to play my fucking war don’t pray, it’s fun the angels cry without the sun

Mista – Siete feccia


Mista – Siete feccia

Skippo la traccia schifo la vostra faccia
siete feccia che si intreccia e per oro si spaccia
Skippo la traccia schifo la vostra faccia
Questo è il suono che vi imbriglia umilia e vi scaccia x2

Ansia e sconforto allietano la mia nottata
giaccio di ghiaccio morto ma con la mente indaffarata
La mia strada risulta ancora occultata
(e so), che gli sbocchi stanno nella soluzione errata
Mi alzo scazzato e vedo il tuo video postato
sembra di sentir rappare un neonato ritardato
Porco (D?0) zio la tua traccia l’ho ascoltata
ma subito dopo come fosse marcia l’ho risboccata
le mie rime sono un regime le tue concime
Ma quale musica sublime ogni tua barra mi perplime
Frega un cazzo di quel che pensi rapper spenti
svenite sui pavimenti con i vostri merda di indumenti
Assimili rabbia che porto dentro (sparo a tempo)
finché il mic non mi sarà strappato o spento,
prima eravate due ora siete venti (Siete contenti?)
fotte cazzo rappo a sprazzo vi distacco con rime che smazzo

Rit x2

Proseguo con occhi pesti scrivendo I miei testi
Per lasciare dietro di me dei resti indigesti
Di questo odio paraverbale che esprimo a voce e in gesti
per mandarvi a cagare e ridurvi in mille pezzi
Le vostre barre sono un collage lapalissiano
le mie parole per voi sono un linguaggio arcano
È vero siete piccoli ma fate passi da giganti
Ma non sarei tranquillo a veder guidare dei lattanti
Non giudico nessuno ma un testo non è un recipiente
di parole sfarzose in realtà piene di niente
Servono messaggi affilati calibrati in maniera senziente
non frasette da far canticchiare alla gente
Piacere sono Tamis e ho la terza media,
consapevole che quello che dico ti sembrerà una commedia
Ma se mi capisci ‘sta roba ti incolla alla sedia
e fa ingoiare più merda dei fottuti mass media

Rit x2

Amerai la tua vita quando sudore e fatica
risulteranno la tua sola unica via d’ uscita
finchè tutto è regalato e concesso allora sti ca
lamentati pure dell’amica che non ti da la fica
Capirai meglio quando inciamperai in salita
e starai sveglio sperando che la pancia sia riempita
Placare la fame e la sete pregando come un prete
son speranze vane come veder atterrar comete

Wawson – Nie Ma Ich


Wawson – Nie Ma Ich

Patrzę przed się, widzę nic, czemu tak nie jest nie wiem
Patrzę w szybę, widzę nic, widzę siebie i siebie
Siebie pewien jak nikt, nigdy tak pewny że mogę
Choć oczy spowił dym i wyglądają jak nie moje

Pewny siebie nie mając nic a tu wszyscy mają w chuj
//Mam// przed oczami jak ja i on palimy stuff na dwóch
No ale nie ma już tego…. Ludzie odchodzą
Ale składam to jak z nim i se sam kurzę to co noc

Pozostałem sobą i w końcu stałem się kimś
Ale moi ludzie nienawidzą tego mnie co gada na bit
Ale to ja stawiam kwit, że jednak jest on bliski im
//Bo// jak miłość sypie wszystko no to mówią o tym mi

Ja to nic? skasuj mnie, wyrzuć mnie z facebook’a
Jak ja jedyną osobę jakiej się nauczyłem ufać
Miałem tylko jego ale nie chciałem go zawieść
Nie mam nic poza emocjami ale dziś weź se je zabierz


Pamiętam te chwile, kiedy było tak i śniło się nam
Patrząc w niebo spoglądając tam, gdzie jesteśmy dziś z ludźmi co mieli być tu
Ale nie ma tu dziś ich //Nie ma ich, Nie ma ich//

zwrotka 2:

Widzę te jej miejsca, dziś w nich stoję sam
I zaczynam nowe życie przez kupienie nowych najek
Od lat mam te same białe i nimi idę w przód
//Ona// zawsze jest ze mną choć nie widzę jej już

I Mi mówią że jest luz ci wszyscy wokół
Te me jebane ziomeczki z mnie otaczających bloków
To tu, byłem i będę – to moje miejsce
A to jedyne co mam poza wspomnieni, przecież wiecie…

Nie, nie wiecie, w tle leci “Gucci Dough”
Gadam se z tępym jebaniem, zamiast się budzić z nią
I no co? zawijka ja i ona, ona i ja i ten stan
Ja myślę ‘ja i blant’, ona mówi ‘ty i ja’

Siedzę z nią a to nie ta //Jej oczy nie śpią//
I nie mówię o marzeniach bo nie spełni ich ze mną
Sen ją zabierze i odbierze chwile z życia
Te co miałbym z tamtą tego nie da się opisać….


Pamiętam te chwile, kiedy było tak i śniło się nam
Patrząc w niebo spoglądając tam, gdzie jesteśmy dziś z ludźmi co mieli być tu
Ale nie ma tu dziś ich //Nie ma ich, Nie ma ich//”

Napkutya – Fújjon


Napkutya – Fújjon

Ha jön, hadd menjen
Ha jön, hadd menjen
Ha jön, hadd menjen
Az a jó, ha elengedtem

Az van, ami nincsen
Az van, ami nincsen
Az van , ami nincsen
Ami nincsen, az a kincsem

Olyan, amilyennek látod
Olyan, amilyennek látod
Olyan, amilyennek látod
Az baj, ha nem kívánod

Ha fúj, hát fújjon
Ha áll, hát álljon
Nem kell, hogy mindig
Mindig csak kiabáljon
Ha ég, hát égjen
Ha szól, hát szóljon
De ha csend van vagy alszik
Hagyd úgy
Mert megharagszik

Zorana Pavić – Ne Spavaj Dušo


Zorana Pavić – Ne Spavaj Dušo

Pun se mesec gore sprema,
Teško onom kom se drema.
U meni se ;avo smeje,
Mora nešto da me greje.

Noas u ti ovu pesmu pevati,
I sve do sedmog neba, dušo, voditi.
Ljubiu te cele noi,
Pa da vidim dal’ eš moi.

Ne spavaj, dušo, budi se,
Živis samo jednom,
Daj, pokreni se.
Ma, ne spavaj, dušo, budi se,
Živis samo jednom,
Daj, pokreni se.

A meni se jako spava,
Od svega me boli glava.
E, pa draga spavalice,
Odoh ja u lutalice.

Refren 2x…

Ma, ne spavaj, dušo, budi se,
Živis samo jednom,
Daj, pokreni se.

Ancora Solo – Umbra Docet


Ancora Solo – Umbra Docet

C’era il freddo pungente, tagliente come un coltello
Soli in questo castello, sentivi solo un ruscello
In questa vita, c’era un po’ tutto,
c’era luce e c’era un padre prima di un lutto,
C’era solo clamore, ricordo ancora il sapore
Ore, passano ore, il tempo attira il timore
In quel bivio di fronte, ogni via verso un monte
Ad ogni via c’era un verso, cera sciolta nel terso
Lo senti vado liscio, liscio come un ballo
rimango nel mezzo per questo poi traballo
Buia la mente, convinto di niente
Un tempo apparente, incongruente alla gente
Nebbia alla porte quando sfidi la sorte
chi diventa più forte, chi combatte la morte
Ma voi come me a cosa puntate?
Sono io troppo serio oppure voi ne fregate…

E sono ancora solo
Io, ancora solo
Ancora solo
E sono ancora solo, ancora guardo il molo
Ancora che onoro, ogni giorno il mio tesoro
E poi si sa che cambierà, sii cambierà…
Lei sorriderà

È la mia anima che canta, e voglio essere all’altezza
Faccio compagnia come un petalo a un brezza
E non mi aspetto niente, c’è sempre chi ti inganna
Io C’ho 20 anni in spalla ma sto sopra di una spanna
Quindi iniziò così , con un c’era una volta
La fiaba è cambiata, ora si cerca una svolta
Sarà che non ho accettato questo contesto,
Se ciò che faccio ispira questo testo
Cullo la passione, oltre una canzone
Elettrica l’aria, senti la tensione
Vai via, lo dicono per esperienza,
Ho mosso il primo passo con indifferenza
E posso farlo ancora nessuno può fermarmi
È un sogno da cui cercherò di non svegliarmi
Cerco tempo, ma spesso non mi basta
Riesco con le rime, ma la vita non si incastra.

E sono ancora solo
Io, ancora solo
Ancora solo
E sono ancora solo, ancora guardo il molo
Ancora che onoro, ogni giorno il mio tesoro
E poi si sa che cambierà, sii cambierà…
Lei sorriderà

E sono ancora solo
Ancora solo
Ancora solo…

Ed io la smetterò con questo flow
In verità vi dico che non lo so.
La ruota che gira, nel giro non si ruota
La bici è bucata, la storia è remota.

Scarabocchio sul foglio finisco tutto l’inchiostro
C’era un segno, impronte come di un mostro
Bloccato, indeciso, senza una via, sbagliare da qui richiama malinconia
Ti sei dato uno scopo? Io no, tutti lo hanno,
Mai avuto virtù, lo so, questo il mio danno
Ritorno dal coma, al petto l’ematoma
Cosa farei senza questo idioma?

E sono ancora solo
Io, ancora solo
Ancora solo
E sono ancora solo, ancora guardo il molo
Ancora che onoro, ogni giorno il mio tesoro
E poi si sa che cambierà, sii cambierà…
Lei sorriderà

Questa non è la fine.
Questo è l’inizio…

C’era un bimbo segnato, sempre tutto scontato
cammino da solo, persevero in questo stato
Il limite mio è cercare dovunque il bene
Mi limito io, poca gente con cui sto insieme

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