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Squillo – Flow vero


Squillo – Flow vero

Sono lo scarto di una generazione che non ha limite
che ha pagato caro il prezzo delle finte vittime
ho bisogno di sostegno fra non ti scordar di me
te lo dico mentre sto in para ho bisogno di te
A cercare di imitarmi siete in tanti
ridicoli sembrate le scimmie di Danti
se ti sfido inizi a pregare i santi
ricordati che sul freestyle batto tutti quanti

Sulla nuova traccia adesso parto
ricorda della società io sono lo scarto
sono l’aborto al momento del parto
ma se ascolti le mie rime ti becchi l’infarto
sono quello che è sempre stato isolato
quello che sarebbe meglio non fosse mai nato
quello che a vederlo sembra uno sfigato
ma se gli dai un mic diventa spietato
salgo sul palco zero paura
non mi preoccupo di una brutta figura
con me resti impotente da ogni angolatura
Rapper ci nasci è la natura
Sul palco tremi ti leggo l’anima
prega quanto vuoi non ti salva neanche Fatima
Ti senti un duro personalità dipinta
Però sotto i vestiti indossi la calzamaglia intima
Voglio ricordarti che io sono il king
comando sul beat come in horror steeven king
tu ti presenti alla jam vestito di Pink
io invece sono ridotto peggio della bambina di the ring
Scena già scritta come da copione
questo è il sound siciliano prodotto del meriodione
non toccarmi il mic non voglio farti impressione
ma e come se ad achille gli tocchi il tallone

Rit x2
Ascoltami mentre tutto intorno dorme
Il flow di squillo sveglia i morti nelle tombe
rime che esplodono come delle bombe
portami chiunque vedrai che soccombe

Sono lo scarto di una generazione che non ha limite
che ha pagato caro il prezzo delle finte vittime
ho bisogno di sostegno fra non ti scordar di me
te lo dico mentre sto in para ho bisogno di te
A cercare di imitarmi siete in tanti
ridicoli sembrate le scimmie di Danti
se ti sfido inizi a pregare i santi
ricordati che sul freestyle batto tutti quanti

Hai capito fra questo è il mio stile
questo è vero rap non ha flow infantile
lo sai che squillo non è molto affidabile
ma di certo a far sta merda lui è il più abile
Di rapper l’Italia ne ha il bagaglio pieno
ma pochi sono quelli che fanno rap davvero
mi nomini falliti ma fai sul serio?
mi spieghi come ha fatto a far successo moreno?
Voglio spaccare mi dici
come faccio a crederti se fai i provini ad amici?
se tu fai rap agli occhi dei critici
io preferisco andare a costruire palcoscenici
Mi dicono però lui ha un contratto e tu no
ma almeno non faccio il pagliaccio su rai uno
a lui scrivono i testi non ha pensiero alcuno
canterebbe anche la sigla dei cartoni è inopportuno
mi sento dire anche che lui è un grosso talento
che a 20 anni già in radio lo sento
che le ragazzine amano il suo accento
ma sono solo io che quando lo ascolto mi addormento?
non so come hanno fatto sti falliti a prendere il volo
tra di loro nessuno si fatto da solo
si vantano tutti il successo è d’oro
a me non mi caga nessuno ma almeno i testi li scrivo da solo

Rit x2
Ascoltami mentre tutto intorno dorme
Il flow di squillo sveglia i morti nelle tombe
rime che esplodono come delle bombe
portami chiunque vedrai che soccombe

Bail Easy – Sektor Vs. B


Bail Easy – Sektor Vs. B

What the fuck is wrong with you? I thought what you said was the truth
But words only go so far you showed me who you really are
This rage, poison in my veins
I want you gone just try to hang on
Its not me its you and I don’t wanna be rude but you know I’m not one for making excuses and I’m sorry your hurting things just aren’t working for me x2
Its not me its you and I’m gunna be rude
I’m happy your hurting you are deserving every bit of it
Put me out of your mind You’ve crossed the line
Have fun with the blade your scars will remain my memories erased
Its not me its you and I don’t wanna be rude but you know I’m not one for making excuses and I’m sorry your hurting things just aren’t working for me x2
Get on your knees bitch
What the fuck x2

Tőkés Mihály – Limonádé


Tőkés Mihály – Limonádé

Nem akarok felnőtteset játszani!
Sírtam hozzá verset.

Közfelháborodást keltve,lementünk a kertbe.
A terítés is jött velünk, de az élet ment tovább is.
Mi nem mentünk vele, mert úgy van az kérem,
aki élhetett, annak adhatnak halált is.

A boldogság hazug gyilkos, nem létezik mégis öl.
Mint dús eső, hol kitartod kezed, mégsem hajt semmi föl.

A limonádé citrom és cukor nélkül is jó.
Nincs az elbaszva csak majd másra lesz jó.

Sholuro – Per Chi Non Cred


Sholuro – Per Chi Non Cred

Quando sento l’impulso di scrivere un bisogno convulso
Confuso con tutto mai stato nel giusto
ma sempre dalla parte di chi scrive per gusto
Esorcizzo fantasmi, assolvo per indulto
Dissolvo enigmi generali e se li spiego
generando culti astratti dalla mente metto in pari
l’ignoranza della gente Con divari culturali
Non odiarmi se nel mentre colpisco punti focali
Sai quanto vali
solo se scegli di metterti in gioco e non ti frega niente dei rivali Perciò
sfregati le mani, prendi fiato e quando parti
ricorda di dire sempre Un concetto nei quattro quarti
Se vuoi essere qualcuno lavora sodo
e impara ad esser umile perché non sei nessuno
e rispetta differenze di pensiero perché
come lo hai tu qualunque uomo nel cassetto ha un desiderio
Chi non ti biasima
è perché crede davvero in quello che fai
e quello che scrivi lo affascina
Parla sempre di ciò che vuoi anche se poi
non farai successo tu fallo lo stesso
perché voi si sa siete la massa
Noi guerrieri con la corazza armati di fionda e mazza
Pronto a colpirvi dritto al cuore affinché
in ogni canzone la base si fonda con le parole


Questo è rivolto a chi non crede alla passione,
al rispetto per per le parole Scritte in una canzone
e vive nella convizione che un arte in evoluzione
involve col rapper di nuova generazione
Ti faccio stalking, walking inside your brain
My mind like a mainframe computer
New game, shame on your face, double H, new school, new page
in a new age like closed in a steel cage

Il tempo aiuta a migliorare e migliorarsi
io prendo tempo perchè è meglio concentrarsi
Inganni te stesso se estendi il concetto
che arreso presume anche scarso talento
Perciò scrivo di notti insonni, per ogni sera nera
quando ci provi e il sogno non si avvera
Il vostro discorso non ha senso
perché un palazzo senza fondamenta crolla anche se è di cemento
Uso sto foglio come psicanalista
con psiche da tipico sindacalista
Simile agli altri diverso da tutti
coltivo attitudine, assorbo gli insulti
Scrivo quello che mi passa per la testa
perché un’ambizione è tutto quello che mi resta
Scrivere un pensiero che possa mettere in rima
sopra un beat che parli di me raccontando la mia vita
Carenza di cadenza, con l’accento anche in assenza
di dialetto stretto, metto dentro al pezzo coerenza in ogni Contesto
e resto qui col microfono alla bocca
Sono un uomo nuovo, sprono masse e sto suono non mi abbandona
sul beat confesso, nastro che gira
porta avanti e continua dalla mattina alla prima rima
Non lascio spazi vuoti, disprezzo i volti noti
Mi sento come un fuggitivo in luoghi remoti
Rilascio le mie doti, intorno maremoti
Storie di molti devoti sepolti, facce di ignoti
mediocri massacri coglioti
Il popolo dei poco colti idioti governati dagli stolti
Here comes the pain
Gain decibel rimbombano
Il suono di Parole che si incastrano
Bastano solo 3 minuti e parlo piano
ma se non mi ascolta nessuno parlare forte sembra strano


Questo è rivolto a chi non crede alla passione,
al rispetto per per le parole Scritte in una canzone
e vive nella convizione che un arte in evoluzione
involve col rapper di nuova generazione
Ti faccio stalking, walking inside your brain
My mind like a mainframe computer
New game, shame on your face, double H, new school, new page
in a new age like closed in a steel cage

Pearl Future – I Cant Get Enough Of You


Pearl Future – I Cant Get Enough Of You

ooh I can’t get enough, ooh I can’t get enough

[Verse 1]
All I want is a replay
It’s crazy, I’m crazy
Caught up when I see you
Got not restraint, yes I’m confused
I can’t stop, I can’t stop, I can’t stop
I’m caught up when I see you
I can’t stop, I can’t stop, I can’t stop
I’m caught up when I see you

I can’t, I can’t get enough of you
I can’t, I can’t get enough of you
I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I cannot
I can’t get enough of you
I can’t get enough of you
I can’t get enough of you

[Verse 2]
Wanting it, it, it, ah yeah
You got me wantin it
So much better with you
In this haze I can think straight
I keep fallin, I keep fallin
In the deep end
I keep drivin past the signs that warn me every time

Written In Stone – Sex in a Honda


Written In Stone – Sex in a Honda

This emptiness inside me
This hole you’ve dug into my chest
Your work wont be forgotten
Though you will end up like the rest

I am not a fucking toy

And who was I to think you were different?
Who was I to think this couldn’t happen to me?
And who were you to drag me through this?
And who am I to create this illusion I see?

You’re but a siren on the rocks singing to tempt me
I will sail steadfast of the hurt and the pain
Though the tides would lead me to you again and again
Release me, your caustic clutch corrodes me
Set me free, relinquish what is left of me(?)

I beg you release me but I can’t help but heed the call
No matter it seems that there’s not much left to me at all
I’d give it all to feel your touch, all just to hear your voice
Fueling illusion, giving me a chance to rejoice

Tears mix with ink on the page
In the most melancholic of ways
If I could have it all back for a day
I would trade the rest of my life away

Jayden West – Time’s A Charm


Jayden West – Time’s A Charm

To have your hopes shot down
When it’s all you’ve had to hold for the past 3 years
The all too familiar pain
Shows it’s face again

All I ever wanted was for you to dance with me
But with all the fails, and despite the effort
It seems I lack the melody

There’s no use in telling you the same old stories
But If I was to give you an idea
Of all the parts of me that you don’t understand
You’d be the only one to know

Time is what I use
to wash the thoughts that stain my past
Although the broken memories
still haunt me at my best

And even now my mind tells me
I should be running fast
Don’t care for fails and wasted effort
As long as you’re the one right here

Cause who ever said
that sane isn’t bad
the cool but the crazy
are crazy in love
And every high
Isn’t high enough

I’ve always been
the one that follows
the dreams in my head
so as of tomorrow
I’ll fight for that dance with you

For far too long I’ve been the one behind the tears
I’ve let too many party’s crash because of stale fears
I fought to hide the hole I’m in
But you still saw right through
All the memories
I stubbornly clung to

You stayed to
Help me to find my best.

To have your hopes embraced again
When it’s all you’ve had to hold for the past 3 years
The all to familiar pain
Starts to fade again…

Mixing It Up [Feat. Glenna Bree] – Wizardz Of Oz


Mixing It Up [Feat. Glenna Bree] – Wizardz Of Oz

I’m only the baker
Cooking up in style
A dreamer and shaker
Someone who makes you smile
I got some of the mixture
A lot of the spice
You got the sugar
Together we make nice

We’re mixing it up
Making a mess
But that’s half the fun I guess
We give and we take
And layer the cake
Together it’s magic we make
And we say
Ah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

You and me what a recipe.

Ah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

You and me what a recipe.

We won’t be the winners
Every single time
Just like all beginners
We’re learning what we like
We know what’s not perfect
May need a little love
We got the answer
It’s all of the above

We’re mixing it up
Making a mess
But that’s half the fun I guess
We give and we take
And layer the cake
Together it’s magic we make
And we say
Ah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

You and me what a recipe.

Ah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

You and me what a recipe.

Multi-coloured sprinkles with a gentle squeeze of lime
Iron out the wrinkles and everything feels fine
Smooth a little tenderness and rainbows over here
The frosting looks so beautiful it brings us close to tears…

We’re mixing it up
Making a mess
But that’s half the fun I guess
We give and we take
And layer the cake
Together it’s magic we make

You’re causing a stir
when you look in my eyes
that’s I know we’ll win first prize
salty or sour
bitter or sweet
you know that you make my life complete

MaximNoise – In Dir wohnt mein Herz


MaximNoise – In Dir wohnt mein Herz

Solange sie sehen was sie sehen sollen/Solang sie verstehen, was sie verstehen wollen/
Solang bleib ich hier – in Dir wohnt mein Herz/
Solange sie sagen, was sie sagen sollen/Solang sie mich fragen, was sie fragen wollen/
Solang bleib ich hier – in Dir wohnt mein Herz/

Strophe 1:
Denn der Versuch uns zu trennen, ist nicht gekrönt von Erfolg/
Wir haben den Mut zu erkennen, dass uns die Wirklichkeit folgt/
Was in Gedanken beginnt, kann einander verbinden/

Solange sie sehen was sie sehen sollen/Solang sie verstehen, was sie verstehen wollen/
Solang bleib ich hier – in Dir wohnt mein Herz/
Solange sie sagen, was sie sagen sollen/Solang sie mich fragen, was sie fragen wollen/
Solang bleib ich hier – in Dir wohnt mein Herz/

Strophe 2: (2 Mal)

Denn alles was wir haben, ist im Grunde schon genug/
und die Last in diesen Tagen, sie verschwindet wie im Flug/
Wir sind doch längst über`m Berg – in Dir wohnt mein Herz/

Und es schlägt – zu dem Takt der Musik/
Denn es lebt – und es lacht wenn es liebt/
es tut weh – wenn der Hass überwiegt – also geh und tue das was Du liebst/
Sovieles mehr – in Dir wohnt mein Herz/

Set for Tomorrow – I Am Man


Set for Tomorrow – I Am Man

I can now say I know what it is like to hear the sad song,
to feel the pain gone,
to live and stand strong,
to hope and breathe in.
To live another moment wondering
and wishing and praying to see a brighter day ahead.
It’s not far, you’re not far.
I know your pain.
and I know,
I know the constant struggle.
Late nights,the straight lies, the filthy sites.
I know the feeling of trying to make it out.
(This is) our war.
(Mindless) Goodbye.
(the battle has hit home)
I’ve got blood on my hands,
but I’m coming clean to you.
Just as I listened, I need you to hear.
New heights are being reached,
I’m living out to be something more.
(something more) than I have ever dreamed.
I’ve got blood on my hands.
Day after day, they’ll try to pull you away.
(Hold on, Stand strong)
This is the only way.
There comes a point when a boy becomes a man.
There comes a point when you have to take a stand.
Don’t believe everything they’ve told you,
Hold on, Stand Strong.
(This is the only way)
[I’ll take this life time as opportunity,
To show you what it means to be (means to be)
A survivor in a world that holds no morals (no morals)
and holds hell close to home.]
I will never give in,
I will never turn back,
This is what I’ve become.
Enemies, can’t you see I have overcome.
New heights are being reached,
I’m coming out to be something more (something more)
than they have ever dreamed.
I’ll face the sleepless nights,
I’ll look the devil straight in the eyes.
This is what I’ve become.
The late nights, straight lies, filthy sites.
Hear me, This is what I’ve become.
Hear me, I’m Free.
Hold on, Stand strong
(I am alive,
I’ve been set free.)
I can now say I know what it is like to
hear the sad song,
to feel the pain gone,
to live and stand strong.
To hope and breathe in.
To live and stand strong,
to feel the pain gone.
I have overcome.
This is my confession.
This was my addiction.
And on this day, I have become a man.
On this day, I’ve become a man.
I am man.

Left for Wolves – Only the Good Die Alone


Left for Wolves – Only the Good Die Alone

Pulled out from the trenches and forced to the front-line.
Now we forge a different path.
You knew we had to face this,
We cant hide forever.
Now we must fight.

No lines to be drawn in the sand, I see no point.
There is only one side to this, you have no choice.

We’re losing battles, we’re losing sleep,
Now we cant rest at all.

We are at war.

And I’m still standing despite of this firing line.

This has been pushed beyond a game, burn the white flag.
They say all’s fair in love and war,
But this is murder.

We are at war.

This is murder.

I fought for years to keep this afloat but now,
We just let this die.

We had a promise to keep, a cause but,
We just let this die.

Just keep digging the grave because,
We just let this die.

Now we bleed out the years as,
We just let this die.

Timeflies – Ride


Timeflies – Ride

Tell me girl could ride with the top gone
Could you come and and keep me up all night long
Could you go and make it pop like a pop song
And if it gets a little rough, could you hold on (hold on)

If you’re looking for trouble then I could provide
I’m already undressing you with my eyes
Feeling your body, rolling like the tide
So baby what I need tonight is for you to just

That you’re down to roll-oll-oll
Now we’re staying up late-ate-ate
Cause you already know

Like Oh!
When the lights get turned down low
Wanna see you lose control
I just need to know that
Baby you could ride with me
Like Oh!
Cause tonight we won’t let go
And the world won’t be so cold
I just need to know that
Baby you could ride with me

Baby you could ride
Baby you could ride
Baby you could ride with me

Show me you could hold it down when I’m on the road
Yeah, take a naked pic send it to my phone
Treat me like the f*cking man when I come home
Lemme make up for the nights you was all alone
So come on yeah

Give it to me like you should
I’ll be bad if you’re good
Let me take you for a ride
Through the hills of hollywood
Floor seats private beach shit I probably could
So all I need tonight is for you to just

That you’re down to roll-oll-oll
Now we’re staying up late-ate-ate
Cause you already know

Like Oh!
When the lights get turned down low
Wanna see you lose control
I just need to know that
Baby you could ride with me
Like Oh!
Cause tonight we won’t let go
And the world won’t be so cold
I just need to know that
Baby you could ride with me

Turn the lights down low, so you can barely see
I just gotta know that you could ride with me
We could lose control, the only thing I need
Is you to let me know that you could ride with me

That you’re down to roll-oll-oll
Now we’re staying up late-ate-ate
Cause you already know

Like Oh!
When the lights get turned down low
Wanna see you lose control
I just need to know that
Baby you could ride with me

Like Oh!
When the lights get turned down low
Wanna see you lose control
I just need to know that
Baby you could ride with me

Like Oh!
Cause tonight we won’t let go
And the world won’t be so cold
I just need to know that
Baby you could ride with me

Baby you could ride
Baby you could ride
Baby you could ride with me

Jákó Vera – Csendül a nóta


Jákó Vera – Csendül a nóta

Csendül a nóta, perdül a lány,
Most ide húzd a fülembe cigány!
Nyírfa vonódból a szív dala szól,
Indul a föld is a talpam alól.
Harmat csillog ezüstös levelen,
Ezt a barnát magamnak nevelem.
Hajt is a szóra, a jóra szívesen,
Holtomiglan a gondját viselem!

Májusok esti sóhaja kél,
Összesimul a virág s a levél.
Illatos, édes az alkonyi táj,
Kis csalogánynak a szíve, de fáj!
Harmat csillog ezüstös levelen,
Ezt a barnát magamnak nevelem.
Hajt is a szóra, a jóra szívesen,
Holtomiglan a gondját viselem!

The Travellers – White Release


The Travellers – White Release

On the random morning of a random day I looked at the sky
A blank white raining down with might fell into my (tiny) eye.
My face tries to fake, but in the end it breaks as a smile passes by.

Chorus 1:
I wake up in a dream
With an upflowing stream
It leads way up high
I jump right in!

Feel the blizzards theft of all you have left and then let go!
This is not a test, break free from the rest, outside let it flow!
Come release yourself, put it on a shelf and let your inner glow!
Be at peace of mind, the answers you’ll find, just let it snow!

Chorus 2:
Locked deep inside
Covered by snow
Nothing to hide
Come out and explode!

Chorus 3:
All is so pure
A simple lure
Nature’s at ease
Thanks to the white release

Poke – Vise si sperante


Poke – Vise si sperante

Plin de speranta ma agat de viata
Asta este despre realitatea care te doboara
Pun pe foaie idei ce nu sunt intamplatoare
Viata te trateaza ca pe un oarecare
Cand erai mic aveai mii si mii de vise
Visai ca zbori si ca-ajungi printre stele
Visai ca..erai astronaut
Si c-ai fost primul om ce-a plecat de pe pamant
Visai ca erai cel mai mare cantaret
Si c-aveai concert peste concert
Fanii te-aclamau iti cereau autografe
In momentul ala erai cel mai tare
O masina tare si o casa mare
Astea erau..ale tale vise
Nimic din toate astea nu s-a intamplat
Indiferent cat de tare tu te-ai luptat…

Ai avut multe vise ce s-au destramat
Ai avut multe sperante dar ce s-a intamplat
Ai avut drumul tau l-ai abandonat
Acum te gandesti cine esti tu defapt

N-ai avut puterea sa-ti indeplinesti visele
Acum imi pare rau..ramai cu sperantele
In viata ai avut numai dezamagiri
Nu realizai cand greseai adeseori
Acum eu iti spun totul pe fata
Poate ti-a mai ramas putina speranta
Sper sa nu fiu..poate prea dur cu tine
Dar frate trezeste-te la realitate..bun
In fine te-ai trezit la realitate
Ai inceput sa gandesti..sa lasi visele de-oparte
Ai realizat ca totul se face doar prin fapte
In momentul asta nu mai crezi in vorbe goale
Si uite asa..timpul ti-a dovedit
Ca doar prin munca poti avea premiul dorit
Te-ai chinuit ti-ai facut un viitor
Ai vazut si tu n-a fost asa de usor…

Lox Chatterbox – Trippin


Lox Chatterbox – Trippin

My Windows down
but my system up,
system up, system up.
Indo cloud
We could twist one up,
twist one up, twist one up
My Windows down but my system up,
and im trippin. I dont ever wanna come down.

Planet cali-fornia..
We are now in orbit
And I, take you too another dimension
and where we going is really not important//
like a metamorphis,
we about to change.
Not a dif state, but a whole dif plane//
once you take a hit, then your going insane//
aint no way to stop it like LSD Rain//
Man we too gone/
Outa touch,
outa sight outa mind//
Gime a card so i can chop out a line//
Cause i feel the psychodelics as theyre drippin in my spine//
drippin down my spine, drip-drippin down my spine//
Shadows, on the, ceiling. Staring at the walls as they melt,
Every single thoughts so trippy, And i just cant help myself//

Look, I could penetrate your mind,
I could map out all your thoughts and designs,
Its like I see right through everything, so clear, how are yall so blind?
(What the fuck)
So dont mind me, and I wont mind you//
Open up your soul and ill look right thru//
I can get a glimpse of the shit that you hide, cause inside me is just like you//
Were all Force fed with this information, entertained but no stimulation
Bread to be the new generation, hoping were not investigating//
But fuck that, fuck that.
Ima ask questions, Ima peel back,
the layers that they hide to try to reveal facts
You thinkin I aint capable of that?


I think everything that were taught, and what were led to beleive.
Is just a bunch of bullshit cause theyre too scared of what it is we acheive.
Now im spaced out, lookin at the stars //
tryna figure out where the fuck we are//
I guess this is what its like for an insect whe-when they get trapped in a jar//.

Maga & Tudoran – Copilul din Mine


Maga & Tudoran – Copilul din Mine


Copilul din mine e bine, spune-mi al tău cum se ține
Și dacă e o idee bună, să se joace împreună

#copiluldinmine e conștient
Că la școala vieții e repetent
Inocent el nu trișează
E prea corect și mă îngrijorează
Din blugii de import și tenișii Drăgășani
Caută prieteni, nu să faca bani
Ideal ar fi să reușească
E un copil nebun și nu prea vrea să crească


Copilul din mine e bine, spune-mi al tău cum se ține
Și dacă e o idee bună, să se joace împreună

#copiluldinmine e insistent
Fură cireșe, fură curent
Dar se jură că nu-njură
Nu l-am prins încă cu țigara-n gură
#copiluldinmine e țînțar
Transformat în armăsar
E simpatic, nu face nazuri
Are grijă cum se mișcă și n-are necazuri


Îmi dai și mie să-ți completez oracolul? Hai că ți-l dau și eu. Hai să facem schimb. Ok, scriu cu stiloul.. Să nu facem purcei pe hârtie..

Antan tichitan
Ce dacă trece an după an,
An tan tichi tan tan
#copiluldinmine nu crește după plan
Antan tichi tan tan
Antan tichi tan
#copiluldinmine nu crește după plan


Copilul din mine e bine, spune-mi al tău cum se ține
Și dacă e o idee bună, să se joace împreună

Miuosh x Onar – Sam


Miuosh x Onar – Sam

[Verse 1: Miuosh]
Mam w garści więcej niż kiedykolwiek mógłbym chcieć – popatrz
Mówili mi weź spierdalaj – dziś mówią “bierz i leć, chłopak”
Zastój – nie załapał mnie bo nie chciałem dać mu się dopaść
Nigdy nie słuchałem ich i nie słucham dziś
A za to mnie słychać na blokach
Świat mówi “pisz” mi, a nie liczni znają to jak ja
Ciągle widzę i czuję i słyszę – jak czuję to nagram
Polska rap gra – jestem zbyt blisko, jestem zbyt mocno
Polski hip-hop – jebane widowisko, a tylko ono mnie zniosło
Zbyt głośno, zbyt ostro już, nie umiem myśleć trzeźwo
Dostałem skrzydeł by polecieć wyżej a niebo spuściło mi wpierdol
Sedno? Znam je na pamięć – widuję je rzadko
Scena to teatr a kiedy widowni już nie ma
Stoję na niej sam jak naćpany aktor
Duszno i parno jest, stres znów daje mi wycisk
Chcę widzieć drogi kres, przy niej gdzieś się wyciszyć
Znów ten sam gest, flesz, ze mną nikt się nie liczy
Wiem, jest jedna rzecz nie ma skutków bez przyczyn

[Verse 2: Onar]
Flesze na twarzy czuję, chcesz trochę – stań przy mnie
Tylko Ty możesz jutro wyjść, ja zostanę po ostatni dzień
Tobie się może nie chcieć, mi się zawsze musi chcieć z pasją
Bo grać, żeby tylko grać, kurwa mać, nie warto
Dla Ciebie autograf ma wartość, dla mnie to parafka
Na kolejnej kartce cyrografu ja – adwokat diabła
Anielski uśmiech, białe skrzydła, wokół ból i brud
Jestem najedzony mam pełny talerz, a i tak czuję głód
Od ludzi czuje chłód, chociaż krzyczą “Kocham”
Strumieniem nie płynie miód, tylko alkohol i ropa
Wszystko jest na pokaz, na ocenę, znasz cenę
Nie wiem ile jeszcze jest siły we mnie, bo płacę ją codziennie
Od tylu lat, kurwa mać, cos ode mnie chcesz
Pieniądze rządzą wszystkim wokół mnie; ING
Hip-hop – mój trzeci dom, po rodzinie i Warszawie
Na zawsze tu zostaję, nawet jeśli sam jak palec

Pmgintheflesh – Back Then


Pmgintheflesh – Back Then

CHORUS (Pmgintheflesh)- True story this was the life of me, painful memories that stuck with me, sayin shit about me, in school and the internet, they could never see me for who I am, just reminicin bout back then, just reminicin bout back then, just reminicin bout back then- chorus
Verse 1 (Pmgintheflesh) — im up in the avenue, reminicin about adolescence, painful tribulations I went thru, never could keep it cool, I was the one not even seen on the tv screen when they gave labels on high school shows, I was that kid that was invisible, ya kno, that moment when the nobody became somebody, that never happened, waited but it was a dream that was never shown, it’s the art of reality, sometimes theres no happy ending, yeah such a tradgedy, felt like everybody had it out for me, mostly cuz most did, they aint have an idea on what I had to face on a daily basis, school was hell and so was anywhere else, I was in my own mind, own realm, own realm
CHORUS (Pmgintheflesh)- True story this was the life of me, painful memories that stuck with me, sayin shit about me, in school and the internet, they could never see me for who I am, just reminicin bout back then, just reminicin bout back then, just reminicin bout back then- chorus
Verse 2 (Pmgintheflesh)- My reflection showed a ugly bitch, but in reality it was a fucked up glitch, a tainted image that made no sense, These stupid people made me believe everything they said, said about me being worthless, I now realize nothing was wrong with me, instead, everything was wrong with them, most of them had disturbances in they head, cuz everything they claimed was so incorrect, just pure disrespect, no intellect, no logic, to what they were sayin, just lookin to impress they friends with the dumb shit they sayin, karma gon find em and bite em in the ass for the shit they happen, still sayin dumb shit but I built a armor that’s immune to the stabbing
CHORUS (Pmgintheflesh)- True story this was the life of me, painful memories that stuck with me, sayin shit about me, in school and the internet, they could never see me for who I am, just reminicin bout back then, just reminicin bout back then, just reminicin bout back then- chorus
Verse 3 (Marshall)- Just reminicin about back then, sometimes I wonder, what the fuck happened, life is always changing, I couldn’t even stop it, im tryna stand still, pull a dollar out my pocket ,instead of a dollar I pulled out my dreams, It layin in front of me, callin me things, So I dusted off my shoulder and went down to my knees, started prayin to God then he told me, you gotta make a company, Thank God I did it, Couple years later and im still committed, Got a couple people wantin a verse for verse, got tell people if it don’t work it works, And im writin everyday workin on new shit, tryna stay strong and put yall on my skills, cant nobody ever take my voice and take my thoughts, huh motherfucker im real
CHORUS (Pmgintheflesh)- True story this was the life of me, painful memories that stuck with me, sayin shit about me, in school and the internet, they could never see me for who I am, just reminicin bout back then, just reminicin bout back then, just reminicin bout back then- chorus

Action Bronson – Bet Hip-Hop Awards Cypher


Action Bronson – Bet Hip-Hop Awards Cypher

Bitch, know my chest shoot colours like a Care Bear
All year see me tan, hoppin’ out the van
You weren’t there… now you tryna show face?
Fuck around, be a cold case
Chrome skates on the old 8 – remote control chains
Promote dope for the veins, poke Jakes
Bitches in robes lay, eat steaks off a gold plate
Stoned, listening to Cold Play
Long knife by the spinal, built like a rhino
Push the 6-35 to the finals
Pearl white like what you sniffin’ in your sinus
The finest vaginas demolished by my dick
One year, from Queens to the top
Cream of the crop, I serve a fiend out of my sock
Five minutes ’til they lean like the drop
Now they spinnin’ through the furnace like the scene from The Rock
Hide spinach like a doomsday prepper
Every Sunday in my Tuesday leather
Now my beard look like Uday and Qusay
I play the pool on a cool day
It’s me…

“I thought you wanted spoken word?”

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